Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Friday, July 31, 2009

... and a little bit of you, makes all my dreams come true.

Like most people I look forward to the very short season we call summer. Far from typical the weather has been cool and the days rain filled. The moisture is taking its toll on the gardens as it is promoting fungus spores to grow. The days host a blanket of darkness which has me me begging for the heat and sun. Everything we do or seek out needs to reach a plateau of just enough. The rain and sun shine nutures not only mother earth but the spirit.

A little bit of rain and a little bit of sunshine,
a balance of the mind, brings you here in real time.

Wipes the fallen tears and replaces it with laughter,
dreams of happily ever after, spent here with you.

A little bit of rain an da little bit of sunshine,
a balance of the mind, brings you here in real time.

Love assures us of a balance in our life, it is capable of bringing us through times of difficulty and also of basking in the sun. As I do often, I look back over my life and review all that has happened, the struggles to survive through less than situations and the magic that transpires creating the positive of memories.

I have yet to reach port and anchor as the journey long and winding edges me to travel further on. Rough currents and unseen barriers slow us down but never stop us. I have felt the reigns of survival for so long, that I almost had forgotten what the journey is all about and what direction it is truly to take.

Yes, I have begun to gain a certain amout of control over my personal matters. Cliche as it may sound I understand the vision of "seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. " Not completely through and yet I know that I will get there and I will not lose sight of those who have remained by myside in one way or another.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good Morning, Love

The candle flame burning, shadows on the wall, love infused pleasures from the heavens make a call. I felt it in the morning, I saw it in the light, the warmth and happiness which brightens up my life. The whisper of the moment, tickled desire and I knew that you were waiting to dance throughout the hour.

You lifted my soul in the dance upon the heavens.

Open your mind and free your soul,
my soul you touched and my heart you hold.
This moment accurate and so very true,
cast you my angel who rules the blue.

When we were very young we were taught the difference between hearing and listening. In maturity we understand that there are interpretation issues. That people listen and interpret what fits their life at the moment. The variations is exactly what makes one song fit into the lives of many a listener. I ask that when you wake up this morning, you allow your heart to hear the song of life and allow its music to flow through your spirit to bring us closer together. Can you hear me?

This is no ordinary blue bird, he was sent to sing a song, to remind you of our love, all day long. He sits right out your window, so carefully he sings and his music is a touch of life, which makes everyday like spring.

Listen a little closer, I know you can hear the waves, they brush up against the sand in a powerful and rhythmic way. Thrusting they implore to you, to listen as they sing, the love for life which directed the path and brought you to me.

You can hear it in your heart, you know where I belong, nothing can ever alter the heavens as they sing a long. Each beat of heart, beats for you alone, the music of my love, playing so ever strong. Allow the moment to take center stage, as the orchestra of life through the mountains play.

Cities with traffic, a wild and raging stream, all have something in common, they sing for you and me. Wake up to the sounds and listen close and you will hear, how love conducts a concert and tosses it through the air.
One touch can reveal the magic of love,
or the presence of hate.
One thought can give life direction, or
build barriers to the mind.
It is not the action that stimulates a reaction,
it is the transfer of energy that touches my soul.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I woke up to the rain falling down,
so hard that it makes a drumming sound.

Every drop I believe is a gift from you
to me,to wake me up from my morning dream.

I woke up to the rain falling down,
so hard that it makes a drumming sound.

The song meant to please is written from
memory, to celebrate the love of you and me.

I woke up to the rain falling down,
so hard that it makes a drumming sound.

To the hollow through the trees, your love
sings, as it pounds down on the leaves.

I woke up to the rain falling down,
so hard that it makes a drumming sound.

The choreography designed to please, as we
perform to the song of our dreams.

I woke up to the rain falling down,
so hard that it makes a drumming sound.

Though my eyes couldn't see, I reached out
beyond the trees to find you here with me.

I woke up to the rain falling down,
so hard that it makes a drumming sound.

My soul a flutter as my heart turned into
butter, melting in the arms of my dream.

I woke up to the rain falling down,
so hard that it makes a drumming sound.

Distance has no control as the raindrops
in capsule hold, the love of you and me.

I woke up to the rain falling down,
so hard that it makes a drumming sound.

Here in my heart is where you'll see,
the gift of love, which you have given to me.

It makes me dance through the day and lifts
my soul in the most amazing way.

Here in my heart is where you'll see,
the gift of love, which you have given to me.

It freely sings from mountains high and can
be heard in the blue sky.

Here in my heart is where you'll see, the gift
of love which have given to me.

Love it takes on many forms to bring
comfort, peace and happiness to the soul.

I can tell my heart anything,
but it is what my heart tells me
that is most important.

Inside out and you will see, the heart consist of hope and dreams. Determination meets desire and reveals the love with flames like fire. Inside out and you will see, that you are always here with me.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Inima de dorinţa

The star furthest from the darkness
and closest to the soul ... the heart of desire.

There was something about the moment, I don't know how to explain. You took my heart and held it and I have not yet been the same. I see love through the mountains, I feel your love in the rain and when I start to giggle, I know you have tickled my brain.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Can You?

If you could measure a day in the season of summer, today was 1o on the scale of perfection. The sky was an incredible blue, as perfect a blue as you can get. The sun's ray were warm upon my face and the surrounding trees danced with the gentle breeze in away that seduced the spirit. Wanting to hold still the moment I reached out with all of my being to bring you as close as two souls can be. I smiled as I felt the touching of hearts and the merging of souls into one. My love for you grows by leaps and bounds from moment to hour. I fluffed the pillow and snuggled it close, took in deeply the scent of your cologne as I fell into a dream that broke the barriers of time and distance to place you in my arms.
I wanted to tell you how much I love you,
but no numerical value could be placed upon my love.

I love you so much ,
how can I improve with words
that whichs masters the heart.

A few words many combinations but only one love.

Sings> I can see the rainbow, can you?

I can see the rainbow, can you?
I can see your love shining through.

From early in the morning,
till the stars rule the sky.

I can see the rainbow,can you?
I can see your love shining through.

I need not be surprised, when I open
up my eyes to find I'm here loving you.

I can feel the magic, can you?
I can feel it reach out from the blue.

Trickery at its best, it puts our love
to the test, as I feel the magic of you.

I can feel the magic, can you?
I can feel it reach out from the blue.

From the hollow to the heavens, to
where our love began, I can feel
the magic of you.

I can taste the sweetness, can you?
I can taste it in all we do.

The kiss each morn from
the moment our love was born.

I can taset the sweetness, can you>
I can taste it in all we do.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Object of My Affection


Love is the reflection of our soul as seen through the beauty of life.

Passion sows the seeds of desire as
it nutures the power of love.

Waiting for the sunrise, looking for the blue, I'm caught up in a dream of loving you. Silk in the wind, your heart my embrace and when I looked into the darkness I saw your face.

Reached out for your hand and to my surprise the distance had nothing on my mind. You offered to dance, I couldn't refuse and so we dance through life just me and you.

Waiting for the sunrise looking for the blue, I'm caught up in a dream of loving you. Silk in the wind, your heart my embrace and when I looked into the darkness I saw your face.

Heaven doused us with raindrops from the blue and everyone you catch holds a kiss from me to you. Collect them if you can place them in your heart, the raindrops of heaven gave love its start.

Love and affection, it is in knowing what love
is that I became aware of what love isn't.

It is not the act of touch,the energy
which is felt by the soul,
soothes and excites.

I accept the moment for the beauty that it is,
for only love can bring such happiness.

I trust in this love for it is very powerful,
enough so that it removed the mountains
to share in the beauty of life.

...how much higher can we soar, if we already danced in the heavens?

Summer is in full swing and it is at this time when the hollow is completely enclosed in the beauty of nature. The many shades of green create a wall that allows for very little penetration from the rays of the sun. Sometimes I feel as if I am cut off from the rest of the world. Scenic like a view of paradise and yet my heart hungers to feel the warmth of your embrace. Gathering many wild herbs from the majestic red Monarda to the periwinkle blues of Chicory my mind travels and I feel distant from the reality of the moment.
In the middle of several projects, I feel no desire to complete any of them. The need to escape my surroundings is ever present. My heart feels as if it lingers with a kind of a lull between each beat and my mind races to be where you are. Worlds apart I feel the separation of our being and the walls of distance that over power the moment.
My fingers to my lips, I imagine the sweetness of your kiss and the excitement that comes with your presence. I feel this great need to escape or free myself from the self inflicted weight of reality. My eyes heavy beg to close, blocking out the moment as I welcome the dreams which soothe my restless spirit.

To step beyond mere existence,
one must be willing to accept the
journey without complete disclosure.
Here is my heart, I give to you my heart as a gesture of my deepest love. Know that it will be with you always as the rhythmic sounds of each beat will overcome the silence of the night. My heart is not a treasure to be cherished like the pearls of the sea, as its true gift appears at the merge of one heart to another. Adjust to the darkness and you will see, soul within soul for eternity.

My hell is in knowing love and
feeling the walls of separation.

Love sets souls free ...

I love you more with each breath I take
and with each beat of my heart.

It wasn't until I felt the power of in love that
I knew a difference even existed.

When I teeter, you stand strong,

I prefer to remain optimistic as the journey filled with sorrow
led me to a new horizon that cradles with love in the dark of night.

It is true that love pure of heart can bridge the ocean, soar with the winds and shine daily down upon the soul with heavens reminder that we are love.

The Magic of Love

My heart is like a Wisteria that has expanded beyond its arbor,
reaching and growing as it entwines in the pleasures of your love.

Love So Patient

Love so patient, wonderful and kind, it supersedes anything imagined by the heart and the mind.Travels the heavens and races through time to bond your soul forever to mine.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Whispering to the Angels

Whispering to the angels, my morning plea,
send in a love a letter, a kiss from me.

Direct the sun rays, warmly to his heart,
in memory of the moment, he caused my
soul to spark.

Sing softly to my darling of happiness and
glee, a song of our heavens, sung from

Scripted for two, the play has just begun,
you take the lead and we'll dance just for fun.

Whispering to the angels, my morning plea,
send in a love a letter, a kiss from me.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Rivers Ran Silent

Seize the moment, capture the dreams,
devour what is written to memory.

Sweet and gentle, the caress of love,
strokes the heart, from the heavens above.

Whispering soul with intense desire,
directs the words, ignites the fire.

Passion has spoken, I confess to you,
you took the gray sky and made it blue.

The rivers ran silent and the mountains wouldn't sing, so I escaped into the moment through the gate of my dreams. Standing there with arms opened wide, is the one who loves me beyond what's conceived by the mind.

No birds at the window, the rooster won't crow, as the rain is falling, I imagined it snow.I closed my eyes and felt a chill from inside, at the mere thought of strolling with you side by side.

The rivers ran silent and the mountains wouldn't sing, so I escaped into the moment through the gate of my dreams. Standing there with arms opened wide, is the one who loves me beyond what's conceived by the mind.

Can't roll down the hill, can't sit on the porch, ran out of lemonade and it's to late for the store. I closed my eyes and imagined sunshine, as images of loving filled by mind.

The rivers ran silent and the mountains wouldn't sing, so I escaped into the moment through the gate of my dreams. Standing there with arms opened wide, is the one who loves me beyond what's conceived by the mind.

Dare a Ferris wheel, stand on a canyon high, slide down a rainbow to be by your side. What love wouldn't do to share with you, the steps of life beyond the thoughts of my mind.

The rivers ran silent and the mountains wouldn't' sing, so I escaped into the moment through the gate of my dreams. Standing there with arms opened wide, is the one who loves me beyond what's conceived by the mind.

Summer is underway, but I can hardly tell, as the weather unseasonable is neither heaven nor hell. Yet happy am I at what I can find in the dark of the hollow and in the corners of my mind.

The rivers ran silent and the mountains wouldn't sing, so I escaped into the moment through the gate of my dreams. Standing there with arms opened wide, is the one who loves me beyond what's conceived by the mind.

An impish grin which I really couldn't hide, as I imagined loving you for all time. I closed my eyes and I said good night as I pulled you as close as a gnat drowning in brine.

The rivers ran silent and the mountains wouldn't' sing, so I escaped into the moment through the gate of my dreams. Standing there with arms opened wide, is the one who loves me beyond what's conceived by the mind.


I looked forward to cradling,
cradling your heart, to
whispering I love you, I
have loved you from the start.

Sings>We are the heavens in earths embrace, from the stars to the garden a paradise we'll make. Your kiss in each raindrop falls from the sky, with a reminder that love is not far behind. La la la , la la , la la la la la , with a reminder that love is not far behind.

We are the seasons rolled into one, the magic of snowflakes, the warmth of the sun. The dance through life which brought you to me, reveals our love from summer to autumn ,through winter and spring. La la la, la la , la la la la la,as it reveals our love from summer to autumn, through winter and spring.

I placed my love forever to live within your heart and as you travel you'll notice I am never very far. I'm your dream partner who waits both morning and night, to feel you pull me close and hold me tight.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Love has Many Faces

I had fallen asleep only to awake to an untimely phone call. Dreaming, I am not exactly sure what it was that was racing through my mind, but the words from a previous comment surfaced " Love has Many Faces"
Love is like a universal joint works best when it swings both ways. you give a little push and it returns back to you. Whether we admit it or not that is what love is all about. Reminds me of the song" you've got to give a little, take a little, let your heart..." It is human nature to love and want to be loved. The various aspects of love entail, in no uncertain order, a blend of respect, trust, desire, pleasure, passion, compassion, faith, affection, adoration, encouragement, devotion, etc. When you come down to it is just our basic need to be appreciated, wanted and needed.
We can go around loving the world, the people in it, but if it's not reciprocated, we become lost, without direction, empty and filled with loneliness.
The many faces of love are seen in our friendships, family, partners, children and even through our pets. The ability to love is not given to a few but to all those who dare to open their hearts. Respectively love is to be appreciated without expectation of its return.
What is love? The concept of love varies with cultures and Morales and society's outlook of it. Depending upon the giver and receivers needs. What makes the connection or bonds a soul? I thought about the everlasting experiences which become apart of our being. They don' t fade into the background only to become a memory, but instilled within nurture our being.
The heart like a puzzle is the center of life and though the pieces are different for everyone, the images reveal overtime come with many great lessons. On one side there is the selfish wants and desires and the other the magic that flows from the intermingling of souls. This is life and through the trials and tribulations we explore the reality of what is love.
The insatiable hunger that cannot be fed, cast the weak down a path of mere want. The key to understanding " the many faces of love " is in accepting love in its unconditional form. When we open our heart, we risk the chance that we may either feel the ache or stand upon the moment and grow.It is of our choosing which path we journey.

There is no love like that which you placed within my heart.

You bring the sunshine out on the cloudiest of days,
warm my heart in the most amazing way.

I ask only that we share each moment in a day,
from a single blade of grass, to raindrop filled
kisses which wash all sadness away.

Allow my love to conquer the walls that distance
makes and replace the barriers with a bridge that
only the heart can lay.

Whispers to the heavens to unleash the secrets of
our love and give to them a place in the sky of blue

Rejoice that we have lived and to a new day begin,
to dance upon the clouds and sing with such glee,
as we record the moments to our memory.

Forever takes a stance it directs us down
the road, branding to the heart our love
contintues to grow.

One of my favorite poems was written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Taking in the fact that she lived in the early 1800's acknowledges that wisdom and the emotions of the soul are the power which drives the heart. It also reminds me of my children and one of the first things that they are taught and it was " how much do you love me?" and I would put there hands in the air and i would say I love you past the stars in the sky beyond the heavens and infinity.How much do we love? and how we express our love is at important as loving. There are instances that can't quite be explained where you can actually sense the love of another. The expression seen in the face, the sparkle in the eyes the passion within the heart which strikes out with the moment. The little gestures in life that may go unnoticed are those which signal a motion of devotion. I smiled that I had chanced to meet with love and feel its magical return and from earth to the heavens I dance with you my love.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

I Cannot Place a Measurement

I cannot place a measurement on my life or time nor how much I love you for eternity is the brine. Immersed within your being, the treasure is divine, as I absorb the beauty of the your heart and soul to mine.

I cannot place a measurement on how deeply I have felt your love, for with each moment that passes you borrow deeper into my soul and the more we come together, the more I have come to see that sharing life with you is like swimming in a bottomless sea.

I cannot place a measurement on the power of your love for it moved the many mountains and bridged rivers and seas and when the night has fallen and the stars are all abound, your love can be felt embracing from the heavens to the ground.

I cannot place a measurement on the whimsical delight, that empowers every moment and sends my soul in flight. I feel it in the mornings and I sense it through the day and when evening sky masking,in your arms is where I lay.

I cannot place a measurement on how much you mean to me, for it grows stronger with the moment, it stands to brace the sea and it challenges forever to create our own infinity.

No Promises

There are a few old adages that have survived through time," beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and love is blind" In a relationship that is fueled by love, I do believe that these adages reflect a true unconditional form of love. It also has been said that " we are our own worst critics" that in review of our own stance in the world if there is a fault to be found in ourselves, we have already discovered it . In many instances I admire the naturalist and their self assurance in that they don't need to seek the approval of others and they are comfortable without shame. Though when asked why I myself had not felt comfortable in removing my clothing. I thought either it was a part of my morale upbringing or my religious teachings, as I believe the body is beautiful and is our greatest gift to whom we love.
In many parts of the world, I find there is a greater respect for the elders and more appreciation of the beauty and the wisdom that only can found within the more mature population. Time so quickly passing and the years a reminder of the past and youth. Here I am in another decade of my life and yet I feel no different than I had in my years of youth. Almost as if it is society bound that we struggle to hang onto our youth and almost miss the beauty of the aging process.
I have lived many years under the microscope of criticism and have felt the daggers of not measuring up. The pain of words which stroke at the insecurities seated deep within. I had found through the gift of friendship, the beauty of acceptance and the empowerment of love.
Smiling I visualized the elderly couple hand in hand walking on the beach, a smile surfaced and a tear had fallen. I thought about growing old with you, holding your hand, loving you, wanting you , being there for you and I can't quite explain the feeling that came over me. The chill of distance, the closeness of your love and the magic that showers down on us from the star lit heavens all seem to reflect the beauty of our journey.

No promises, it's factual you see, I am here to journey with the one who reached on out to me. Held my hand through winter, kissed my soul in spring and raced like children laughing to the summer time swing. Wiped the tears of yesterday, replaced them with a smile, held me close and infused the love that closed all gaps of untraveled miles.

No promises, it's factual you see, I am here to journey with the one who reached on out to me. Looked down from the heavens, danced with me on the clouds, walked beside me through thick and thin where no bitter words could be found. Embraced every moment, challenged the seasons just the came, as we strolled through autumn rain, till the snowflakes were falling down again.

No promises, it's factual you see, I am here to journey with the one who reached on out to me. Whispered words of encouragement, led me down the path of love and taught my spirit to rejoice and my heart to laugh again. Carried me to safety and remarkably so. as I was known to stumble, not once but many times you know.

No promises, it's factual you see, I am here to journey with the one who reached on out to me. Soared high above the mountains, gazed through the dark of the night, amazed at the spectacular display highlighted by the moons light. Step by step we glided, heart to heart we sang and with the magic of life, passion lit the flame.

Something out of the ordinary, something for you my friend

The beauty is in natures balance, all living creatures have their place in the food chain. The respect for the environment creates a stronger ecosystem. I have had my Koi eaten by the blue heron, but it doesn't diminish my admiration of their majestic beauty. I am still in awe as I watch them in flight.
It is the magic of our love that gives such
insight to the beauty of life.
Instrumental is the recording of our love
as we celebrate each day as the gift it is.

The value of our love is substantiated by the heavens embrace,
as is indicative by the display of life through which we journey.
Anniversary Dance

You chose the location, I'll pick the cloud and we'll dance, dance to the love abound. You sing the song, I'll hum along, until our lips meet and we replace it with our hearts which pound. You can place your hand gently over mine and pull me close for another round. You sing the song,I'll hum along, until our lips meet and we replace it with our hearts which pound. Follow me in the celebration of a dream from the day you said hello and whispered sweetness to me.

Embarking on the journey, with you right next to me, we traveled many mountains, we swallowed water in the sea. Coming up to breathe, I couldn't believe, you were still holding my hand from winter to spring. Summer paints a picture with many shades of green, tossing in some florals like a rainbow from a dream. Coming up to breathe, I couldn't believe, you were still holding my hand from winter to spring.

Sings> Something out of the ordinary, something no one else can give, I wanted a gift for you my friend, to last till time ends. I took the dark of night, gather a few stars bright, added the moonlight and a cosmic to share how much I love you so.

Something out of the ordinary, something no one else can give, I wanted a gift for you my friend, to last till time ends. I took the sunshine, tossed a rainbow or two, spread it across the blue sky, with the words I love you.

Something out of the ordinary, something no one else can give, I wanted a gift for you my friend, to last till time ends. I took the smiles you gave, I tucked them safely in my heart, threw a kiss my love to you my best friend.

Something out of the ordinary, something no one else can give, I wanted a gift for you my friend, to last till time ends. I took my daily dreams, filled with your tender love, gave them a breath of life to last till time ends.

Something out of the ordinary, something no one else can give, I wanted a gift for you my friend. to last till time ends. I took the shadows from the wall, formed a silhouette, placed them in the dark of night you hold you close my friend.

Love's Celebration

Lord can you tell me, tell me why, you built those mountains so tall and wide? Lord can you tell me, tell me why you placed the rivers between my love and I?

I fell into the darkness and I almost succumb, till the light from my darling led me to his love. Joy reigns from sun to stormy days, as the warmth of his love paves the way.

Lord can you me, tell me why, you made the meeting a pleasant surprise? Lord can you tell me, tell me why, you chose the day and the time?

I wake each morning with his love in my heart, it gives me the strength to hold from afar. Everyday he brings the sunshine my way, from the first hello on that magical day.

Lord can you tell me, tell me why, you placed a detour several times? Lord can you tell me, tell me why, I walked in circles for the answers to fine?

It is not uncommon for people to want to celebrate, birth, anniversary's and a slue of other occassions. The time of celebration is our way of honoring those who we care about, love and cherish. Confirming our emotions and our commitment to one another, we declare the moment a documentation of time past and the present and future that lay ahead. It is like a time of renewal where we declare that we have given of our heart and that it steadily grows, strengthening as it empowers us.

It is extremely important to know that a road map has not been left behind. We can see where we have been and we can see where we are, but I declare, there is nothing to tell us where we are going. So I indeed treasure each moment we have explored and celebrate each second for the blessing that it is.

Heart within heart,
love within love,
as the day unfolds,
we celebrate our
souls as one.

The song of life,
the magic unseen,
is felt when you,
first reached out
to me.

Heart within heart,
love within love,
as the day unfolds,
we celebrate our
souls as one.

Never forceful, never pain,
the words of love, the needs
the same.Wonderful as can be,
the joy of life,when you're with me.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sweet Infusion

This sweet infusion is love induced,
created in the heavens,
my good morning to you.

Passion filled kisses from me to you,
to wake you my darling with the
realization of I love you.

This sweet infusion is love induced,
created in the heavens,
my good morning to you.

I dreamt you near me, hearts entwined,
I dreamt your body in the sand with mine.

This sweet infusion is love induced,
created in the heavens,
my good morning to you.

Child like we played,
on the swing of life,
in the magic of moment
in the middle of the night.

This sweet infusion is love induced,
created in the heavens,
my good morning to you.

The sun has risen and life is so
fine, when your here beside me,
it drives me out of my mind.

This sweet infusion is love induced,
created in the heavens,
my good morning to you.

Tickles the spirit, creates an
atmosphere, where love is seen
in the thin air.

This sweet infusion is love induced,
created in the heavens,
my good morning to you.

Like roses in water, the fragrance
Divine, the beauty of your love,
in my heart a sign.

This sweet infusion is love induced,
created in the heavens,
my good morning to you.

Kisses you good morning, holds you
tight and whispers I love you, morning,
noon and night.

This sweet infusion is love induced
create in the heavens,
my good morning to you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Hunger of the Heart

There is no limit to our love, we need not shelter the memories, the angels were sent by the Lord as a reminder of the power of a dream. We climb the mountains, we reach beyond the seven seas, to embrace what is only natural, the walk through life, where you are hand in hand with me.

Up before the sunrise, I found my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could see all that surrounded me as if it were daylight. There are many ways to view the moment and as we allow the capabilities of the heart and soul to come full swing, we find we are flowing with an inner strength that supersedes the walls of distance.

The colors of the moment with brilliant shades and hues, unique to the spirit, allows your love to shine on through. I have heard it called unique and a few said it was rare, that I could feel your presence amid the air.

Place your hand upon my heart and feel what infusion can do, as it takes my love and like a sponge absorbs it through and through. Happiness surfaced and desire leads the way to feel your embrace in this most magical of way.

I stopped along the side of the road and gathered the wildflowers of the day. Blazing orange of the butterfly weed to the heirloom blend of sweet pea. The aromatic fragrance found away to tantalize my soul with its sweet array, from the floral in bloom, to my drifting thoughts of you, as the heavens blankets our love with the wondrous sky of blue.


Summer dreams,
raindrops from the sky,
forbidden mountains,
in the railroad of my mind.

Time created,
distance the cry,
as angels from the heavens,
map the blue sky.

Leads me beyond the thicket,
brazen the trail is made,
through yesterday,
where memories were made.

Sings>Roll on over and dream, roll on over with me, I'm giving to you the lead in everyone of my dreams. The rythm of my heart beat, encourages you to sing. la da da da da , La da da de de, la da da da da da and your now here with me.

My arms are open, my soul impatiently awaits, the magic of the moment when your love the barriers of silence breaks. la da da da da, La da da da de, la da da da da da and you can dance through life with me.

Keep your head on my pillow and allow your spirit to be free, we are now in the heavens embracing what only comes naturally. La da da da da, La da da de de, la da da da da da step by step through every dream.

Hand in hand my love, your heart next to mine, as our souls take to dancing, to ease our troubled minds. Rest my darling, and feel my embrace, I'm holding you gently, in our most special place.

Just gathered honey, sweet gold to the taste with dreams of your kisses, which nothing can replace. Pleasure seeking, I imagined you with me and the warmth of our lips as they surpass reality.

Come a little closer and let me whisper in your ear, the words I have to tell, reveal how much I care. I'd challenge the heavens, as I prayed to the Lord, to keep you safe till the new day is born.

Come a little closer and let me whisper in your ear, the words I have to tell, reveal how much I care. We control the darkness, we have given it light and when you close your eyes, it's I who will be holding you tight.

Come a little closer and let me whisper in your ear, the words I have to tell, reveal how much I care. Showers of star dust, rainbows in the sky and the evening moon is rising to celebrate the love of you and I.

Come a little closer and let me whisper in your ear, the words I have to tell, reveal how much I care. Written by the soul, sung from the heart, the words of my love are an internal work of art.

Sings> The Moon Confronts the Sun....

The moon confronts the sun in the morning sky and Touch Me Nots are blooming on the hills by the river side and as the day concedes that our love was meant to be, I smiled with happiness of all you mean to me.

No song birds singing, the rooster hasn't crowed, the morning is still cast in a darkness as if rain was sure to show. My eyes deceive as I look on in disbelief at the silhouette of two dancing underneath the trees.

I ran like a child, I reached on out for you, to find the images fade off into the blue. I laughed on the inside as the morn played with my mind, in a glimpse of the magic of me loving you.

Whispers... I love you and you love me too and this I know just happens to be true. Whispers... I need you and you need me too and this I know as I saw it in the sky of blue. Whispers ... of the moment when I was caught by surprise and you my darling captured me heart, soul and mind.
La la la, I sang, la la la you sang back, la la la of happiness, la la la it's a fact, that you and I reached out to the sky, but instead of clouds we found love shining bright.

La la la, I sang, la la la you sang back, la la la of happiness, la la la it's a fact, that dreams would surely come true, when I felt returned from you, the magic of love in the sky of blue.

Happiness is like a rainbow stretched across the sky
you have to hold it tight before it disappears in front of your eyes

Monday, July 13, 2009

Falling in love with a soul

The fives major and most used senses consist of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. In many ways we share parts of our self that we are not aware of and it's only when we recognize an underlying sign that a flag is raised, bringing to the forefront an awareness. It is amazing what you can pick up in someones voice or actions and how we trace the emotions felt to explain that which we don't really understand.

Our keen perception leads us to explore deeper into a moment to decipher what is going on. I have found the closer you are to someone the more you can read into them. Again I think of the misinterpretation that we fall victim to and how we may see something that doesn't exist. This is where communication is so important. I have never really been one to want ask or dig into another persons life and so I always hope that if something is bothering them, that they would feel free to discuss it with me.

I find it amazing that when we lack the time by distance and place that one sense can over power the others and that we gain a stronger ability to either see or hear. It is like having receptors and they are out there to protect, understand, develop and gain a better understanding of the current moment.

The heart has the ability to do tread through many of the senses, it can see, feel and hear. I myself have had many reactions to life and love. I felt emptiness, desire, pleasure and ache, I have heard the angels, the music of love and the silence of the darkness. From the hollow looking out I have seen through the sun, and the rain the ability to nurture and through the beauty of the mountains tasted the sweetness of its fruit. The fragrant reminders brought a sense of calm and hunger that battled for the same stage.

I believe the heart and mind perceive life on different plateau's. I try to to file my thoughts accordingly and to listen to both my heart and my mind. There is a major cord that has me dangling like a pendulum back and forth, an emotional battle with the positive and negative of life. I try to reach to that which is positive and hold on tight and not let go. I am am afraid to let go.

The rains prevails and again clouds another summer day. As the darkness takes over the room fear reveals itself. Frightened of the demons, those which you cannot see but can feel,sense and almost taste. A chill could be felt as it raged through my body creating an awareness of the physical. My spirit had somehow felt the entrapment of being neither here nor there, like an existence without any real meaning.

I reminded myself that no answers could be found by trying to tap into the hunger and allowing my soul to feel the emptiness. I race to clear the images and bring a sense of gratitude to the forefront as I rejoice in the exploration of life that brings such joy. Months into my new years resolution, I reviewed " to thine own self be true"

I reached out for you and pulled as hard as I could on the string of memories that brought me the most joy. I hated this part of myself, this weakness that showed its face. The day is warm and yet I feel as if the wind had touched down whispering of winter. We challenge the days from moment to hour as we beg to understand the cold and the fire.

Sweet Memories

I heard the song, the song in my dreams and the song of love, brought joy to me. The words fade like a summer day but the love you give is here to stay. In my heart is the place where you will find,happiness time after time. From the river waters to the sky blue, we dance and love just me and you.

I felt the angels kiss in the breeze, a gentle reminder what you mean to me. The love we share is like a day in spring, magical, wonderful and refreshing. The fields were filled with surprise, from the geeze hiding to the clover high, running through like a child set free, I felt your hand take hold of me.

The ocean winds touched gently down,
with a kiss of sweet memory.

Sings> I wanted to give you sunshine in rain, snowflakes in summer and dreams that won't fade.I begged the heavens to listen and see, that the world would be better if everyone dreamed.

I wanted to give you the canvas of life where everything that happens is magical and bright, from the morning you wake up till you close your eyes, I wanted my kiss to be your surprise.

I wanted the winds to hug like a glove as it brings to you all of my love. May your heart be gladdened, may your soul find peace in the arms of love where we can dream.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


How distant the moon and yet how magnet its draw, it brought you so close that I am still in awe. Closing the gap of time and space, I was standing there with you , face to face. My heart felt the excitement, my soul the race to once more feel your love in a heavenly embrace. Cast in the darkness, the images swirl with the dreams of the moment which magically reveal. Love so kind and beautiful indeed it bridged the miles to bring you to me.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Summer sky,
soft and blue,
clouds of heaven,
make me think of you.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Teddy Bear Conductor

It wasn't just anything that made me think of you, little reminders are everywere, including in the blue. No illusion nor gimmics of a magician near, the magic that brings you close is in the love we share. The fragrance still lingers, the smell tricked my memory into bringing you here where you were meant to be. My heart embraced all that we've been through and as I closed my eyes sweet love,I felt my heart as it beats for you.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Gathers up the sun rays in a fiery display, to dry up all the rain and bring my love your way. I packed it filled with kisses for the days when I'll be gone and I added the words of love to give to you my song.

The river waves were splasing the current flowing so, it took all my dreams and to you the wind blows. Moments of time locked safely away, I tucked them in my heart forever and a day.

I looked unto the heavens, the sky so beautiful and blue and I wondered at that moment were you gazing at it too. The distance began to disappear as the moon took to the sky and it bridged over the mountains as it closed the gap of time. My heart a little shaken by the magic that appeared, as I was caught up in the vision of two spirits dancing in the air. One the master that controlled all the rivers and the seas and the other the nymph of the hollow that blew her love through the trees. Powerful as lightening, gentle as a summer breeze they joined together to create what others only dream. Meadows, pastures, valleys and mountains high became the canvas which toyed with my mind. I looked unto the heavens, the sky so beautiful and blue and I wondered at that moment were you gazing at it too.


We have shared the summers, sometimes wet and others dry, raced through autumn with love on our minds, gathered under blankets on a cold and snowy day and listened to the song birds on those springy days in May. We have shared in every moment, we've challenged all the dreams and someday when you are holding my hand, we 're gonna make those memories sing.

One kiss and many dreams, good night.

Sings ...someday when I'm old gray you will hear me say that I love you,
love you with all my heart.


Removes all worry, douses fear,you're in my arms and only love is allowed here. Whispers softly to your heart, how much you meant to me from the start. Close your eyes, now finger to lips, I lay upon you my morning kiss. Warm as the rays of the summer sun, is how I send you all my love.

When the heart speaks and the soul listens,
there is no question where the road leads.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Love and Patience

It has been said that many people celebrate the 4th of July without knowing what they are celebrating. In all actuality it is the celebration for the day in history in which we declared our Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. As time progresses we realize we have much to celebrate on our journey through freedoms door.
Many times we are confronted with losing the rights in which we have become accustomed to. The power lays within the very hearts of the people who fear the loss of Independence. Through our knowledge and freedom to vote we control the outcome of the future. There is more than the ability for our country to stand financially independent, we also have gained the control over our destiny through our voice and our actions.
On our personal journey we are also confronted with the issues of Independence. Independence is a fine line in which we teeter as our need for guidance creates a hunger to know and be more. As I watched the fireworks fill the sky with colors of the rainbow, I embraced the wisdom that allows for personal growth and strength. I thought of my dreams and aspiration for the future and I felt the sense of loss and restlessness as I questioned the many challenges that we confront on a daily basis. The winding road without direction weaves through life and sometimes we find our self slowing down from the weight of yesterday and speeding up with the faith in tomorrow.
The visual as seen through the heart transforms time and space into a mere fraction of reality. The emphasis on our own intervention leads us to react to the moment in away which either comforts the soul or encourages our own inner growth. As I stroll through the ups and downs of the mountainous terrain, I realized that as I stumbled you lifted me gently, as I weakened you loaned me your strength, as I became lost, you guided me to a clearing and when hopelessness showed its face, you intervened with love and patience.
Happy Independence Day, for we walk through life with our hearts and souls free to explore, to love and to challenge all that life offers.

...beyond the blue.

I had walked about a mile into the woods that ran along side the Monongahela River, the trees dressed in full summer green led me down a path which opened to a spectacular view of the river. This little hideaway seem to open like a doorway to a paradise. Beautifully tucked away it had the feel of a well kept park, the grass neatly trimmed and the waves from the river rushed to the shore which was free of any human debris. This seldom seen and rarely traveled path gave a glimpse of nature in balance.

Quickly I looked around and found a place near the waters edge where could I rest for a moment as I absorbed the beauty of nature in succession. The rhythmic sound of the waves as they clashed with the large protruding bolder like rocks was melodic and calming to the soul as it brought a sense of peace to the moment.

Like a page out of a story of a book, the scene was constantly changing. Never dull the beauty of life altered the canvas often within a short period of time. Face to face with reality, you could see mans imprint or should I say interference with nature. Few places if any exist where the impact of man had not challenged nature to a battle.

The sounds of the river water accompanied by the passing train created a hum as it joined in chorus to provide us with a harmonic song to the ear, which for one moment brought mans intervention together with nature. The song of life, soothing and some how a tease to the spirit created a doorway beyond reality. Passing through the gateway, I became aloof to the my space in time as I drifted to the recreation of the day and felt your hand locked in mine and your soul to mine , one to one on a distant journey.

As quick as the day began it ended, the sun set and the night began its reign. I was mesmerized by the fullness of the moon and its control upon the night sky. There were few stars to be see as the sky was covered in a blanket of haze and yet the silhouette of trees came to life as the fireflies took to the branches. I sat in an amazement at how simplicity could compliment the darkness with its magical dance that lit the dark creating a three dimensional view.

Like the closing of a chapter the earlier part of the day recorded the moments. The bass hooked by the local fisherman, the robins nest destroyed by yesterday's storm and the heron as it fed upon the minnows. The minuscule reminders document the power of life and the vulnerablitity in which our souls rest. It was at this very moment that I accepted the dreams ast the gift they are and I appreciated more what life had to offer. I gathered all that I could see and all the sounds of the day and I filed them accordingly, to share them with you at any given moment.

Hold still the dream and allow it to breathe the love for him held deep in me. Feel the embrace beyonds the heavens blue, the secrets released of a love so true. Whisper not in the voice of song, the music of life is short, yet strong. Sun light, moon dust and river or bay, it is how we make the distance fade.

Expands my reach beyond the blue,
to express all my love for you.

Friday, July 03, 2009

la la la la I love you.

I lay here in the early morn before the sun has yet to rise, victim of a darkened room it plays tricks on my mind. Reaching out in the darkness, I was sure I felt your hand or a bit of wishful thinking I dreamt us in the sand. Ocean waves brushing gingerly up against our feet and your arms so inviting wrapped sweetly around me. Leans back for a kiss, with a smile on my face as hearts are racing there is no keeping pace. Entwined like wisteria growing wild and free, the magic of love wrapped you around me. I lay here in the early morn before the sun has yet to rise, thankful for the moment when you walked into my life.


This is no ordinary dance, no ordinary song, the music is from the heart and each step is in your arms. From the hills surrounding the hollow, to the clouds drifting by, we dance,dance, dance morning, noon and night.

When the soul is free of expectation
the heart is pleasantly surprised.

I gathered the memories and I tossed them to the blue and as I gazed upon the heavens I saw what love could do. One fallen tear that distance left behind created a rainbow to bridge beyond the mind. I quivered from the images of loves most gentle embrace and as the moment progressed your sweetness I could taste.

I can’t imagine a greater love than that
which brings pleasure to the mind,
joy to the heart as it
soothes the soul.

It was amazing when you took my hand, magical when you touched my heart, comforting when you embraced my soul. They say “absence makes the heart grow fonder” absence brings awareness to the void that only love can fill.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming, it’s how I hold you close and whisper words of love like the rambling of my prose. Dances with your memory, to feel your sweet embrace, kisses you good morning, as I imagine the look upon your face. Brings to me such happiness that nothing can hide, it is seen in the sparkle that escapes from my eyes.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming, its how I control the miles, I take the mountains and to us I make them bow. Dances on the clouds, under star lit skies, as the music from the heavens plays for you and I. My soul feels the coddling as your arms hold me tight and here is where my heart is given the gift of sight.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming, its gets me through the day and in the night it knows whose arms I’ll lay. The music is sent from up above and the clouds the dance floor where we celebrate our love. My heart embraces you in every way as it gives to life a strength that grows stronger every day.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I love you so...

I watched the flicker of light as it danced on the wall, the candle burning bright set and ambiance which enthralled. Caught in your spell, my heart cried out to you, to hold me close as we dance upon the heavens blue.

The mood inviting sent my imagination on a chase, to conjure the image of you and I face to face. Your finger to my heart traced the words I love you and your lips to mine made my fondest dream come true.

Special are the moments I share with you, hand in hand in all that we do. Boundless emotions to the heavens strewn, as a celebration of all my love for you. The moon surfaces as the day quickly ends and the memories of love to the clouds transcend.

Passion is when the heart agrees with the soul
that the moment is worth celebrating.

How is it that which contains such power
can be so gentle...sweet loves embrace.

In Every Little Rain Drop

The rain is falling and to my heart your kiss,
filled with laughter in a dream like mist.
Gentle each rain drop a reminder of our
love, as we embrace the magic from the
heavens above.

Entwined liked ribbon and as delicate as lace,
strengthens with each moment as memories
are made. Take a closer look and in my heart
you'll see that you have become one with me.

Hope - Who Am I To Say