With the thought of my friend leaving for Iraq I question what will be gained by continuing a war that seems to have no end , as for every evil person that is removed another simply takes their place. Are our mens lives that replaceable that we would continue to place them in harms way to fight that which we cannot see. Hatred gains strength as it is able to condone the evil and promotes its cause world wide. I have spoken with women from all over the world in various cultures and I find that intuitively we are simple in the visions of what we want or expect for the future of our world. Strength of many and the battle to educate is the sword of justice.
The more I tried to understand war , the more I realized that not all problems have solutions that make sense to the world as a whole. As I gain insight to the magnitude of the deaths of innocents in all spectrums of life. I see that as far as we have come as a people we can see historically very little has changed .Barbaric in nature we see that evil grandstand against good .
Can we be on a peace keeping mission and still protect the innocence from the hatred that gains strength with its own soldiers of destruction?
The mentality that exist within some cultures to justify taking a life has not evolved through out the years but has gained in warriors of hatred to carry on a medieval and uneducated response to our existence. As I review the history of people I see that everyone believes in their cause , that they are able to give their life for rebellion in the name of freedom in one format or another .The human race and the leaders and followers leads me to believe that people as a majority want peace and yet fail to express or support their beliefs, as generally those who stand for the peace and the goodwill of all people are rarely aggressive in nature and tend to follow those in control of our very lives.
Yet I speak as a mother who understands natures instinct to protects ones own. What animal in the wild would not stand to protect its young when threatened? I have questioned my own response to violence as I see its effect on people from domestic violence to government controlled wars. Could I stand by and watch harm come to my own children or would I fight to protect what I so dearly love? Not violent in nature first thought is like that of a rat backed into a corner , no choice but to fight.
No matter what side you are on it is the human race that is at a loss. Our intellect , ability to comprehend and speak separates us from all animals and yet instinctively it is the animal trait within that has not found another way to deal with violent attacks upon humanity.
Education takes time to change the cultural defects engrained within people . The political climate of control cannot be removed but only replaced with another view of who should have the power.
Our enemies will not disappear , from as far as history could be recorded we see that there are two sides to every war. Good verses evil ,one the aggressor the other the defender. If we fail as people to educate and we believe that good can overcome evil by removing a sector of people we are only fooling ourselves into a false hiatus, that separating a few will control all.
I fear that we do not have the essence of time on our side and that the animal instinct instilled within will continue to battle the evil in the way of the bible passage a eye for a eye....words written so long ago still ring true.
Looking at the bigger picture are we actually full filling our role as protector and are our borders and the innocent lives guarded against evil or are they just carefully sitting back awaiting a weak moment in history to again attack us on our own land. Invisible armies gaining strength as we sit in denial of right and wrong and the impact on the human race and its existence.