Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Friday, May 05, 2006

Yes I will

Start of a chapter, I’m in the front seat.
Hands on the wheel, I take to the street.
The road in the clearing of someone who cares,
waiting the moment my strength would appear.

Not weighted down by yesterdays fear,
I’m not carrying your luggage my dear.
This journey starts with faith and trust,
all insecurities left to the dust.

Accomplishments- to complete
Accomplishments are ever evolving with no true conclusion as we continue to build upon them. From our earliest achievements we have been placing the blocks strategically to strengthen, and educate, as we are elevated to a new plateau which leads us to stable grounds. It is the inner thought process that we continuously challenge,our own self doubts become the locks upon the gate of wisdom, kicking the blocks out from under.
Rebuilding begins with believing in self.
I will because I can, I can because of will.
Treat the morning as the gift it is.
My darkest night consisted of another's fear, weakness and insecurity.
The road ahead clears as I believe in the journeythat await. In the
rise of the sun, with each new day, starts a new beginning and I'm
leading the way.

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