Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I wake each morning...

There’s no river wide enough to keep you from me,
I awake each morning to your smile.
The dreams cast you the lead my darling, with love
that continues to wow!
No story has enough chapters, no amount of words
could explain, the way your love has taken my
heart and staked on it a claim.
There’s no river wide enough to keep you from me,
I awake each morning to your smile.
A tease between an invitation and a haunting, reaches
out across the miles.
I race to embrace your love each night and day, to pull
you close and dance our sorrows away.
I see your face in the dark of night, I feel your kiss
to my soul and though my body restless sleeps, my
heart holds you all the while.
There’s no river wide enough to keep you from me,
I awake each morning to your smile. .

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