Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28 th..National I love you day

I was just told that today is " national I love you day". I can't imagine anyone celebrating a day of love. If you need a calendar or a hallmark holiday to say " I love you" you can't possibly be experiencing love in any shape or form. I had to actually search it up on the internet because I couldn't believe someone could stoop to creating a one day in the year for honoring love.
Each moment of my life is a celebration of love from the moment I wake up through my sleeping hours. When I began writing prose it was a documentation of love that would out live my time on earth. I knew that even after I part with my earthly form, the words of love would continue on as a celebration of love.

" I love you"

Take the blue skies and sunshine,
raindrops and clouds of  gray
they are all a reminder of the magic
of life and the gifts of the day.

You're all around me,
in all that I say and do,
you're here in my heart
and I truly love you.

I hear in the silence,
I feel you from a far
a love so magically warm
that it melts my heart.

Take the blue skies and sunshine,
raindrops and clouds of  gray
they are all a reminder of the magic
of life and the gifts of the day.

I looked to the heavens
the sky was so blue
and all I could think
was yes, I love you.

Through the hell
and madness that
life can bring, one
thing is certain
you are my dream..

Nothing and everything
reminds me of you
for you are on my mind
in my heart too.

I need no reminder,
to say how I feel
good morning my love
from my heart spills.

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