Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, May 08, 2017

In the silence....

Feel the magic and
the happiness you bring,
guided me through life
and saw me to spring.

The sounds of a river
flowing to the sea
is like the power of love
that set my soul free.

The breeze of a summer day
and the warmth of the sun rays,
awakens my spirit in a silly old tease
like your love touches me.

I went about erasing
the chapters of life
as I tried  to rewrite
the wrongs and make
them right.

Choice stood in the forefront
and asked me " what should I do?"
and all that I could answer
was" to keep on loving you."

I went about dreaming
dreaming you here with me
and I knew that this was how
our love was meant to be.

Gentle and kind
exciting and new,
that is how every day is
when I share it with you.


...by a thread.

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