Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fireplace with Crackling Fire Sounds (Full HD)

Listen to the crackle

of the blazing fire,

as we dream of

sharing the hour.

Far in flesh

near in heart,

you were there

from the start.

Listen to the crackle

of the blazing fire,

as we dream of

sharing the hour.

Lay down beside me,

whisper in my ear,

tell me words of love

that cannot be compared.

Listen to the crackle

of the blazing fire,

as we dream of

sharing the hour.

Calm your spirit

ease the troubled mind,

embrace the passion

and the presence of the


Listen to the crackle

of the blazing fire,

as we dream of

sharing the hour.

Sip between two loves

a kiss to make it real,

the heart beats ever faster

when our lips seal.

Listen to the crackle

of the blazing fire,

as we dream of

sharing the hour.

Must be formed of stardust

though it all seems surreal

that love like ours is

the real deal.

Listen to the crackle

of the blazing fire,

as we dream of

sharing the hour.

You're my thoughts,

you're my dream,

my love , my everything,

you're what makes my

life go round.

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