Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Friday, August 24, 2007

Da Da dum

I'll be here for you day and night,
wondering what your doing and
if your alright.

I'll be dreaming thoughts of you,
filled with magic bring the
love through.

Yes, we are dancing in the street, to
the song of love blowing in the breeze.

Some will call it crazy, others might thing it
amazing, but I know it's just simple love.

I'll be here waiting day and night, standing
at the station of life. Consuming the moment
I felt something land, falling kisses to the heart.

Sings>Da Da dum I love you... it is the simple truth,
life and living is surely here to tell each moment
holds all the proof.

Da da dum and the music sounds to a drum,
and the angels declare they must be in love.

Da da dum and it's more then fun, dancing in
the street with the one you love.

Da da dum singing and laughing with you, rising
above to those in the sky of blue. Make those
disappear, they don't understand what we have
here ... da da dum

Da sa dum I know I am on the clouds of love,
the sparkle in my eyes seem to share, the magic
of the day the way you make them twinkle say.
Da da dum.


Anonymous said...

you can submit your blog to the Blogger blogs-by-topic directory at www.blogsbytopic.blogspot.com. just follow the instructions on top of the page there.

Rachel C Miller said...

Thanks for the invite, I did post my blog on yours and I do appreciate the offer.