Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Here is my Heart

I let the darkness blanket the dawn and the chill of life to rob me of our most treasured song. I rolled on over and I accepted the dream, life is as it should be, wonderful and free. Feeling a little crazy, nothing to do but smile, as I welcomed your love across the many miles. The curtains disappeared and the sunlight came shining through and I knew at that moment, I was interlocked soul to soul with you.

I have your love and the dream and you
have my heart and the proverbial key.
Wake up darling, here's your morning kiss,
wake up darling you don't want to miss,
all the love I'm sending your way.
Here Is My Heart
Here is my heart, I give to you my heart,
Here are my dreams, I give to you my dreams.
Here is my love, for you have gently cultivated,
nurtured , fed and patiently allowed it to grow
and entwine our souls in an everlasting embrace.
Here is my heart, I give to you my heart
Here are my dreams, I give to you my dreams.
To thine ownself be true can be a lot harder than it sounds... but not impossible.
Alone we are but one spirit desperate to find our barring,
together we are twine that strengthens and is unbreakable.


Mark said...

Outstanding! You are a wizard with the prose of love.

Rachel C Miller said...

It is an obsession to document my love, in doing so validates my dreams and desires,as well as my emotions which are natural reaction to loving and beloved.