Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Wow ! A shared Chick Flick

Out of despair comes a little fresh air. There in the middle of rush hour traffic a car accident and traffic at a stand still. To some that may seem a bit discouraging, but to me the start of one of my fondest memories.. Here I was under the weather, my stomach in knots and watching a chick flick as you so quaintly refer to them . Today is so different then any day I can remember, I was feeling quite green and still you were beside me, comforting, embracing and still capable of brining a smile to my face. Emotional, tears of gratitude appear for you are the best friend anyone could ask for or for that matter imagine.

Through good times and bad times, your always so near,
in all of the seasons, hand holding here.
Laughter and song, dance in embrace, the joy that
you give is in the smile on my face.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful, you are very gifted and very blessed.

Rachel C Miller said...

That's debatable .... gifted or bordering insantity. Either way it is a good crazy.

Anonymous said...

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