Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, April 08, 2019

Pillow Talk

…when you share heart and soul.

I closed my eyes and there you were, 
maybe I should take up sleep walking.

I felt the rain falling upon my flesh 
and danced , laughed and rejoiced for it could have been snow.

The clouds are dark and gray 
yet the stars still blanket over you and I.

Counting sheep... quit throwing extra sheep my way.

Kissing you good morning and again good night,
I am not getting off the ride. 

I don't think I have changed much over the years...I still believe love can move mountains.

Many times I wanted to have time stand still,
all of them place me in your arms.

My daydreams and nightly dreams have one thing in common...you.

Someone once said that God was a cruel God,
so said the person who's "glass is half empty"

When I think of you the whole world knows it , 
because I walk around with this silly smile on my face 
and a sparkle in my eyes.

Once upon a time...I was graced by an angel, 
that is how I want my story to start and end.

When you found that forever and always...

Everyone wants a chapter but
only one person gets the whole book.

Mature love is quite different in many aspects, 
it is much more understanding and patient, 
yet it is filled with all the joy and excitement 
that can be felt by the sharing of hearts 

The heart interacts with the moment 
that is what we call love.

Fate brought us together,
choice interlocked our hands,
love fused our hearts and souls.
On a moonlit night there is only you and I,
all else fades into the abyss.
I overcome my fears by
facing my demons head on.
The world is but a puzzle
each piece providing us with more clarity.

Put me on the spot and my mind goes blank...so he says.
I once met lust and that was fun
and than I met love and that was rewarding.

The stubborn streak is
a defense mechanism.
I always read from the back forward
so I know what is happening but
in this case it doesn't matter
where you start.

When you think you are all that, remember that
earth is so minute to the universe and
we are not nearly a speck of sand.
My moon is your moon ,
my stars are your stars,
my heaven is your heaven,
my love is your love.
When you feel distanced by the
 mountains look to the sky,
 I am right beside you.
I don't want to share a place in death ,
I want to share a place in life.

Unlocking the combination of words to
celebrate love is an expression of joy.

My mind bounces around so
much that I can see heaven and hell in one glimpse.

Am I touching hearts or is it hearts that are touching me?

Envy is a sorrowful emotion ,as it is true
we don't know what is in someone else's head.

When you accept the past
you are than able to move on to the future.

Rejoice heaven is at our fingertips.

To embrace love is to live love.

On a clear day I can see forever...
If you over look the brightness of the stars
and the magic of clouds you will allow
the darkness a place with your soul.
I would rather say hello a thousands times
than say goodbye once.
I think everyone needs a good cry,
it is like cleansing the canvas of the soul.

Silence begins to chatter...
You are crystal I am lace.

The willingness to love brings out our vulnerability.
The heart that aches
was allowed to feel.

The troubled mind places the lock upon the soul.
I was taught to question all that is,
why is it the answers have not yet revealed themselves?
The greatest feat that man can achieve
is to continue on without end as far as I know
we only get one time around.
Truth is what you believe it to be,
my truth and your truth may very.
It was when I wasn't looking
that I found myself to be most vulnerable.
Everyone has a beginning and a end,
from the moment of conception.

I empowered others with control,
I gave them my happiness.
Because I understand does not mean I approve.
Love is pure trickery,
how can something so beautiful be so painful?
I gave my heart without thought,
you gave it back with much thought.
It was once said " it is not enough to demand
respect but to command respect"
Loneliness reveals itself in the
absence of a soul mate.
One who dares to love creates a spark.
two who dear to love creates a flame
that burns indefinitely.

It was in absence of love that I identified the source.
I experienced passion,
but craved love.
To love is to step upon the cloud,
to be loved is to dance upon the cloud.
Love is nothing until shared
and then it becomes a chapter.
There are many ways to love,
but none is equal to the passion
 that exudes from the heart.
Sing like your a rock star,
even if you sound like a frog.  
A quick change of scenery
is not the answer as we always return to the place of...
" Pretend your old and walk around walmart."..Thanks I am old.
I did not choose to love,
it just happens.
Soul mates are based on similarity.

You can change the mind set,
but the circumstances remain the same.

Watching the grass grow isn't cutting it,
but cutting it isn't watching it grow.
I am trapped...
Do we control the mind or does the mind control us ?
You were to close to the edge of my cloud,
I couldn't resist...
There are all kinds of games,
but no one wins at a game of the heart.
Hope and dreams might be all we have,
but consider not having them at all...
I can interpret the same situation many ways,
but it always affects me the same.
I made myself a prisoner,
bound my despair.
I can' t cry the tears have dried up.
They say "the eyes are the windows to the soul"
but it hurt so much because I closed the windows
and I opened the doors.
You can die more than once,
I have died so many times I have lost count.
Happiness is like love,
they both need to be shared.
Who blew up my bridge?
This is my cloud ...so dance!
Our character is built upon our past experiences,
without them we are an empty canvas.
There is no point smiling unless someone can see it.
Am I who people think I am or who I think I am ?

Unlocking the combination of words to
celebrate love is an expression of joy.

My mind bounces around so
much that I can see heaven and hell in one glimpse.

Am I touching hearts or is it hearts that are touching me?

Envy is a sorrowful emotion ,as it is true
we don't know what is in someone else's head.

When you accept the past
you are than able to move on to the future.

I write to free my soul.
My heart and soul have come
together and still they battle.
In the world of imagination
all is as it should be.


I empowered others with control,
I gave them my happiness.

Love is pure trickery,
how can something so beautiful be so painful?
I gave my heart without thought,
you gave it back with much thought.
It was once said " it is not enough to demand
respect but to command respect"
Loneliness reveals itself in the
absence of a soul mate.
One who dares to love creates a spark.
two who dear to love creates a flame
that burns indefinitely.

It was in absence of love that I identified the source.
I experienced passion,
but craved love.
To love is to step upon the cloud,
to be loved is to dance upon the cloud.
Love is nothing until shared
and then it becomes a chapter.
There are many ways to love,
but none is equal to the passion
 that exudes from the heart.
Sing like your a rock star,
even if you sound like a frog.  
A quick change of scenery
is not the answer as we always return to the place of...
" Pretend your old and walk around walmart."..Thanks I am old.
I did not choose to love,
it just happens.
Soul mates are based on similarity.

You can change the mind set,
but the circumstances remain the same.

Watching the grass grow isn't cutting it,
but cutting it isn't watching it grow.
I am trapped...
Do we control the mind or does the mind control us ?
You were to close to the edge of my cloud,
I couldn't resist...
There are all kinds of games,
but no one wins at a game of the heart.
Hope and dreams might be all we have,
but consider not having them at all...
I can interpret the same situation many ways,
but it always affects me the same.
I made myself a prisoner,
bound my despair.
I can' t cry the tears have dried up.
They say "the eyes are the windows to the soul"
but it hurt so much because I closed the windows
and I opened the doors.
You can die more than once,
I have died so many times I have lost count.
Happiness is like love,
they both need to be shared.
Who blew up my bridge?
This is my cloud ...so dance!
Our character is built upon our past experiences,
without them we are an empty canvas.
There is no point smiling unless someone can see it.
Am I who people think I am or who I think I am ?

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