Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Thursday, May 20, 2021

It's My Rebellious Country Twang Mood

 If the whispers don't make it to your ears

and the words I write don't find away there, 

then I'll take out a billboard or two, 

as you pass you'll see the words " I love you"

If you can't understand the way I feel 

when you talk my heart it stands still, 

from the moment you first said hello

something in my heart could not let go. 

Some call it fond memories

others think it is nothing but a dream,

but I know our love to be true

all my gray skies turned Blue. 

Some call it fond memories

others think it is nothing but a dream.

but I know our love to be true

all my gray skies turned Blue.

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