Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Forever and Always

 I have been watching classic movies. The love stories where the guy gets the girl. I have always been a bit of a hopeless romantic. Ahhhh love stories, fantasy, dreams and yes, the magic of love. As I began to write, I thought how should I start this story, our story? Once upon a time? There was a kind of magic to the moment? I fell asleep and it took me to a place of dreams? Boy meets girl and there begins the story? ? One starry night or maybe it started with hello?   So many ways to express the beginning of a lifetime.  I think I'll start at the moment by feet floated off the ground.   

Forever and Always Love

You never think that you will fall in love until you do.  There are all kinds of love but " the in love " that is the love that makes eyes sparkle, and the feet lift off the ground. It causes the heart to race and creates a connection deeper than the flesh. You know that kind of bond that unites two souls into one. Whether it is sharing a moment or sharing the day it is a forever always love. There is a smile that surfaces as I think of the song " when you wish upon a start, makes no difference who you are." I don't think we go about looking, wishing or thinking we will even find such a love. That is the trickery of it all, the moment you are caught off guard and you fall into a spell of the unexpected. Kind of like a no, no, yessss. I couldn't help but giggle at the thought. It is kind of like putting a key in a lock and finding a magical experience that stays with you for a lifetime. So begins the story where hearts learn what it is like to feel, to give, to take and ultimately to love. My feet begin dancing as my heart skipped beat and at that very moment something magical came over me.  I gazed up at the stars and one stood out to me, I knew that it was shining down both you and me. Distance couldn't part us; time had no play for our love is eternal in an amazing kind of way.   

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