Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Morning Tears

I felt the sadness,

the ache from inside,

as I've said goodbye 

way too many times. 

I tried to understand

was this some great plan,

and I was just a pawn

in some silly love song. 

I walked on outside

the sun was shining bright

the flowers chased the seasons

and the sky was still blue. 

I thought about the moment

I woke up in tears and 

as the day moved on 

I realized what was gone. 

Lost in the yesterdays

swimming in the tears,

until I took to the kitchen

and danced as if you were here.

Suddenly the world changed

it wasn't hello or goodbye, 

the feeling that came over

was your love which I hold 


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