Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Simple Thoughts 2

True love never questions and never doubts,
it is loyal to the heart and passionate to the soul.


This tear that falls holds the sweet memories
landing within the heart creates the finest dreams.

I whispered to the angels 
and thanked them in advance
for sending me your love 
even if it was by chance. 

I see it in the flowers 
and in the heavens blue
over rivers and mountains
I see the love of you.

You're the first breath of morning
that gets me through the day, 
the dreams I have at night 
that brings your love my way.


No fairytale or fantasy is this love I have for you,
 for it moved a mountain and made my skies blue. 


It is not difficult to understand my loving you,
your warmth and kindness is a dream come true.
powerful endeavor to carry me through the day,
bringing joy and laughter in your own special way.

My heart smiles and my soul in constant gratitude
for the love that entwined and just grew and grew.
The warm embrace is all I'll ever need for you 
are my forever you're joined one to one with me

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