Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Stars of the heavens

have  away that bring

the distance of two 

like a well remembered 


It might be the wanting

that brings you near

as I gaze at the heavens

and your smile appeared.

The solemn expression

followed by the tears,

remembers the days 

you and I shared.


The pen was always there

as the pages of life appeared.

The words of love I shared

when I chose to write in a

romantic flair.

It might have been the wanting

and the need that showed,

as the days grew longer 

the pain continued to grow.


When this life is over and all is said and done,

what will we leave if we don't have love?

The silence that rules the night has a way

of bringing the dreams to life. 

As the visuals appears 

to replace what I cannot hear, 

no magic, nor joy to this life

without you, nothing feels right. 


I've paged through the chapters

and the chapters revealed, 

what I thought was love 

was a one sided deal. 

Those fireworks happen

when two feel the same, 

but for some life is 

nothing but a game.

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