Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


The story lay written

and the tale has been told,

as one day all will know 

that you placed upon me a 


I knew without question

no forever would there be,

you took my heart and

left a void in me. 

Chapter upon chapter

leaves a glimpse of history,

as the day comes to an end

and our love become a mystery.


Another tear drop 

filled with memories

falls unto my pillow 

with such certainty.

The days are long

and so darn hard, 

without your love

I feel the ache from 



Gone, gone , gone went the bluebird,

gone, gone, gone went the dreams, 

gone, gone, gone went your love

when you left with a goodbye to me.

Gone, gone, gone went the magic,

gone, gone, gone went the song,

gone , gone, gone went your sweetness

when you walked out on me. 

 Walking blindly 

I dare not stop to see,

the road before us is

made up of a dream.

I listened but failed to hear

the voice from inside, 

the whispers of the heart

that caught me by surprise. 


I was written into the script

but I did not pen the words, 

someone else was writing

this story word for word.

Passion with love

and a bit of heart break, 

reveals the inner feelings

and how they work.

Life is but a journey of

beginnings and a end,

from the first step we take

over hills and around bends. 

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