Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, July 19, 2021

Time Rules

I've said goodbye once to many times

and felt the sorrow that toys with the mind, 

I had torn the page from the many chapters

and still the memories remain. 

Haunting sounds fill the room

as tears flood like a river to the sea, 

the heart aches at the thought 

that this is how life was meant to be. 


Page upon page of a lonely life

somethings just don't seem right, 

nothing fills the void within me

not even the heart filled memories.

I held on for so many long years

wishing and wanting you to share, 

to join the hearts of two souls 

in a bond of a forever hold. 


I tried to stop the hands of time

freeze the frame within my mind,

to mend what had been broken

and hold you for just one moment.

Nothing can change the past

it is time that has that last laugh, 

for the years have gone before me

and left me with only a dream. 

I tried to stop the hands of time 

freeze the frame within my mind, 

to feel your love once more 

while wishing there was more in 


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