Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Rattled Thoughts

It always comes back to "reaching for your hand"


Overly run by emotion can be seen as a flaw.


I had wondered if life was predetermined 

until I stumbled over choice.


Life energy is a soul in quest.


It always comes back to you...


Like the petals of a rose life is fleeting.


We are always writing another chapter

that is the power of choice. 


One person's right is another person's wrong

depending on how you digest the moment. 


Love is magical 


We can't skip chapters no matter how much we try.


War is a stain on humanity.


We are unique to our own journey.


We are not much different than other animals

to think so spins a false narrative. 


Moving mountains and bridging rivers

is hope on steroids. 


When needs and wants far outweigh reality

is called fantasy at its best. 


Poetry is a moment in a day. 


I tried to get away

almost made it that day,

survival comes in many forms

to take on any kind of storm.

It might have been the time

when hearts and souls align, 

removing all the barriers 

is written in from design.


I don't see sorrow 

no skies of grey, 

no mistake made

and leading me your


I'm betting on sunshine, 

holding on to the blue

as I go about dreaming

of the love I have for you. 

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