Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

My Forevermore

 I didn't want to wake up

I wanted to stay in your arms, 

hold your hand in mine as I

feel the beat of your heart. 

Many have come and gone

but only one prevails, 

the magic bursting from inside

froze the moment still. 

We shared the moments 

in a very common way, 

none of it made any sense

other than you and I found 

our way.

Our differences surfaced

and we accepted each and every one, 

for there is only one true love 

in this joy sent from above.

It was the simplicity 

a walk hand in hand

or maybe the sharing 

that comes without a plan. 

I kept reviewing the time 

when i saw you again and

felt the uniting of souls in

these dreams of mien. 

Welcome to this world 

where heart and souls bind, 

forever is not just a word

it's the story behind the rhyme. 

I needed to see you, 

to feel you once more, 

no matter where this journey leads

you'll be my forevermore. 

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