Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Friday, June 28, 2019


It is a beautiful summer day and it has me out walking through the stream. The cool mountain water bringing a comfort to the my feet as it lowered body temperatures. I can't help but take my camera with me, the damselfly has hatched or should I say damselflies as they flutter over top the waters. One stood still long enough that I could get a quick photo. They always amaze me with their bright colors that are so unique to nature. This one especially cool has I also caught it's reflection in the leaf.
It is one of those deep thinking moments, " what does our reflection tell us about ourselves?" I see in my reflection the love we share, the smiles that come with thoughts of you and the joy of a world where two souls unite and bring happiness to one another. Ah! there I go with simplicity, the smallest moments create the largest memories.
Oh no! I am drifting off into another daydream. I call this daydream" sweet contentment. "Oh, yes what a visual. There I am in your arms, heart rate slows, eyes closed and our lips meet. I can feel your energy as I absorb the power of your love. Click, click, frame after frame of peace, contentment with a dash of passion. Pulling you closer, close , close...yeah that is close enough. You are amazing and wonderful and not a day goes by without my gratitude.

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