Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Love of my life

Mild winter or not I am happy that winter will not be that much longer. The season is passing quickly, which rings true " the older you get the faster time flies" . Though maybe it is a sign of the times as even young are saying time is going by to quickly. I always knew that you are getting older when you say" when I was a child." I look fondly back on the " blue law" when all the stores stayed closed on Sunday. You dressed for church in your finest and had the longest day of the week. It was a time to visit family and we would spend the day each week at grandma's. Another sign I was getting old  was when my son said" I found antique typewriter at grandma's . "Yep that was indeed the machine I learned to type on. I can still hear by business instructor saying " wrist up, fingers in proper position a s d f space J k l ; ...ah yes the good old days. That brings me to my grand children who are spoiled with Ipads and laptops. When I was their age I spent hours out back with my girlfriend playing jacks, one of the coolest games to master for most young girls. This thrill of picking up all the jacks before the ball bounced a second time.
Living in the hub of technology has its downside but a few upsides as well. 2020 was the date of the sci fi years. wow !  I  made it to the future filled with amazing changes. Flat screen tv's as large as a movie theater, cars that start without a key and doors that unlock when you walk by and lets not forget the start of self driving cars. I remember that first time starting a car when you actually had to put a key in the ignition. Microwaves and cell phones, smart refrigerators and smart houses. I must admit I miss my not so smart refrigerator, it was 40 yrs old and still kept food cold....ah the good old days.
Our big backyard , that is one of the major changes , the world has become smaller. Technology giving us the ability to connect.  That is one change I am grateful as if not for computers I would have never met you. You have enriched my life, my friend, my confidant, my angel and the love of my life.

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