Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, May 23, 2022


 I accepted this life 

for what it can bring, 

chapters written 

stored in my memories. 

Some are filled with sorrow

that never fades away and

the happiness I hang on to

gets me through the day.

I'll never quite understand as

the game was not in the plan,

I let my guard down and 

you found your way in. 

Nothing can replace

or take the place of you.

no matter how I try 

I am trapped in those days

with you.

It is a lesson 

on how heartache feels,

the coming together and

breaking down the shield.


That feeling of running

when your feet are standing still, 

the emotions within that never

seem to heal. 

I needed the courage 

to stand alone, 

but wanted you 

no matter where I'd go.

Days became years and still

 I stood on the path of fear,

wanting to get away and 

make my life anew.

I just kept reaching 

out for your hand 

and the sadness moment

was when I realized you 

didn't understand.

It was a blend of want and need

that found me begging on my knees,

you'd think the tears would no longer fall

and I'd be over this once and for all. 

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