Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, April 01, 2024

Someday When You are Old and Gray

All you need to know

is written upon the heavens, 

I can't deny that you'll

always be mine. 

Whispers to the wind

no loneliness for you and I,

we'll never be alone 

forever is the way our love


Tears might certainly fall

but sadness is not in them at all,

Happiness and joy is what this 

heart of mine employs.

Sings>I  held on to the dream

watched as time went by,

hoping it was certainly true, 

that it was always you. 

You lit up the night

gave the stars a meaning, 

wishing that you knew

how much I love you.

Days just kept on passing by

where years ended up a rhyme,

I'll always love you so 

I hope that you would know.

 ...to wake in your arms each morn.

Gentle the kiss that begs for more. 

In the dream I saw you 

and I felt your kiss, 

so very, very surreal 

our lips to lips. 

Beginning or closure

I am not really sure, 

bringing a comfort 

and begging for more. 

The music is playing 

and I failed to dance,

but life is like that 

it gives you one more 



The creek is swelled 

the water left the bank,

spring is upon us 

and for that I'm giving thanks.

There is a lot to be grateful for

the joy comes from within,

as I share my love with you 

through kisses via  the wind.

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