Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Thursday, June 27, 2024

 My feelings were in a bit of turmoil 

as I listened to the haunting songs, 

my mind drifted to a time and place

feeling the warmth of your spirit. 

The tears rolled down my cheek 

as I thought of the wasted years.

I closed my eyes and allowed 

my soul to soar beyond this earthly


I reached out as if I could feel you

reaching back in some magical way,

as if my thought I could bring you here

and this pillow we would once more share. 

How could silence break all barriers of sound?

Was it the ache within my heart that cried for you?

I stopped for a moment erases these thoughts 

free your mind, hold my hand, soar high above the heavens.

I couldn't move , I lay there still as the night

caught up in some foolish daydream, 

What is it the tempts the heart and soul 

and at the same time pushes it away?

Running, running and my feet have yet to move,

weighted down by my wants and needs.

I stumbled in the darkness 

releasing my inner being through each tear. 

Free me, love me, hold me, don't let go,

can you hear me or is it the silence that rules?

Dreams are the device in which I escape, 

once more if only in my dreams I am laying 

in your arms. 

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