Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, June 24, 2024

Magical Dreams


I walked through the gardens as the flowers bloomed and all of  my thoughts rushed to you. There is so much beauty to be found but nothing as amazing as the love you and I found.


I can make it through the day

 as I go about redreaming. 

There is  something in the way

 I felt you next to me. 

It gave my life meaning 

as  I felt your lips to mine 

so I go about redreaming 

of that special time. 


I took a walk down the road, 

simplicity right in front of my nose.

I imagined you holding my hand

and my heart melted right there where

I stand.

There are many a stories with and ending to tell. With words of love that cast over us with a spell. No matter the darkness that comes with the night, there will always be sunshine in my heart for life.Somehow a long time ago I was privileged to find a love that within my heart grows. There are many a stories that come to and end but our story is everlasting with a quirky bend. My thoughts are consumed with you as I whisper the words that I'll always love you. We must go on living , we can't stop now. There is a lot to do and do it with a smile. I'll make it work that's what I'll do, as long as your love keep shining thru. 


It was a magical dream

it brought you here to me, 

with a wonderful kiss that

woke me up with a smile.

I could sense your whole being,

all that makes you who you are, 

your touch from the heavens 

placed me high up in the stars. 

No matter where we go,

we are never, ever far apart

you're right here , right here

deep in the center of my heart.

Sings...I felt your lips 

when yours met mine, 

a sweet and loving kiss

that crosses time. 

The thrill within me 

will never fade away 

as I found out this morning

our love is here to stay. 

I'd sleep forever 

if forever makes you mine, 

just to dream once more 

the interlocking of hearts

and minds. 


What ya gonna do when the clouds come round? 

What ya gonna do when the rain comes down?

I gonna ride that cloud when it come around, 

kiss your lips when the rains come down.

What ya gonna do when the night sky rules?

What ya gonna do when you are growing old?

I gonna dream all night about you,

feel your love like lovers do. 

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