Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Morning Doves

The beauty of nature, 

the magic of dreams, 

when you stop to appreciate 

the sweet memories. 

My reminder....  I have learned to appreciate the good memories and let the bad ones go. To celebrate each day as the gift it is. That we are all on borrowed time and to make the most of the time we have. To travel and see as much of the world as I can. Like the old saying " stop to smell the roses" I want to never forget the beauty of a daisy and the joy that seeing something for the first time brings. That we really are as young as we feel. That my truest of friend has never left my side and is always just a text away. That I still get excited with a mere conversation. You don't need a lot of friends one or two good ones are like anchors on a boat that keep ya from drifting. I realized writing is my connection to you as long I can document a thought, feeling or emotion you are right here with me. Dreams can be scary and the subconscious is powerful. I don't regret anything, I am who I am with you, without you and because of you. I feel beautiful when I see myself through your eyes, for some reason it truly alters my physical and mental being. Simple things like a song, an email, the wind brushing up against my face. the warmth of the sun, the rain at night always leads me into your arms. Everything is part of a plan and though it might be redirected by our choices, we always end up where we were truly meant to be. I'll never stop appreciating the experience, those who cross our path, as everything we do becomes a part of who we are. In all reality we can never part because you are always in my heart, right next to my soul forever a part of who I am. I love you. 

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