Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Forever A Dream

 The dream brought you here

as a conversation we shared.

I found myself wanting so,

in the dream I couldn't let go.

Clear as it could be, 

you were sitting next to me.

Call it closure if you will 

or maybe a way to heal. 

I could feel you close

the visuals from my mind arose,

I didn't want to awake 

as the dream held me thru the day.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I'm not listening to the love songs


I'm not listening to the love songs,

I'm not playing them anymore.

I refuse to be reminded 

of when you closed the door. 

My heart fought moving forward

you had me hanging by a thread,

till I came to the conclusion 

that something in my heart was dead.

I'm not feeling any emotion

I've lost the ability to cry.

Maybe I have been hardened

by the years that have gone by.

The endless days were a struggle,

I am sure I never crossed your mind.

The world could have been a whole lot different

if you didn't let go of this hand of mine.

I thought it might have been a chapter

and I just needed to turn the page,

but the truth is in the whole story 

and I need to burn that book of mine. 

Toggled in some sort of limbo

not able to get beyond the past, 

the days were cold and dark

and they were passing awfully fast.

I'm not listening to the love songs,

I'm not playing them anymore.

I refuse to be anchored and

 have my heart begging for more.

Friday, July 12, 2024

In my dreams

 If I whisper do you hear the words

"I love you so" ?

Does the wind know which way 

to blow?

Take to you my love, like a cloud

passing by from above.

Do the clouds take to you 

my love?

The dreams are surreal as they can be

I meet you there nightly.

Do you know the dreams are a pathway

that unite us in its own way?


Forever friendship from the heart

is an eternal flame that you sparked.


I'm gonna write the words of love

when I'm gone they'll live on. 

The world will soon know

that our love continues to grow. 

I'm gonna sing so that you can hear my song,

with words that will never lead us on. 

For you are mine and I am yours, 

in a song of forevermore. 


If I think hard enough 

will you hear? 

The words of love 

that two souls share. 

If I reach in the darkness

to take your hand, 

will you be there 


It's that time of night....

My head on the pillow

the dreams begin, 

I see you there and my 

heart starts to spin. 

I could stay forever

if only to please, 

this troubled heart 

on bended knees. 

Screaming in silence

drives be a bit insane, 

as my heart aches 

for just one more day. 

I say to myself

" stop being a fool" 

" why do you let him 

have this hold?"

I can't help it 

your there every night

when I close my eyes

it begins a new life. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Sweet Forevermore


I'm not sure why you said "Hello" 

but I am so glad you didn't go. 

You took my hand , touched my heart

from the very start, I'm glad you didn't go. 

There is an energy between us two, 

it joined my heart and soul to you. 

From that first " Hello" it just seem

to grow and grow, I'm glad you didn't go.

My day and night are thoughts of you,

as if we ruled the heavens blue. 

Over mountains and across the sea

you became my everything, I'm glad you

didn't go. 


The moon took its place in the sky

and yet the darkness draped the night.

I closed my eyes and pulled you close to me,

placing your hand in mine for all eternity.

Nothing can separate your heart from mine , 

our souls were joined as one for all of time.

I know whenever our flesh is far apart

our souls unite from afar. 

When I am thinking of your embrace,

with my eyes closed I kiss your face. 

I reach across the mountains with thought

knowing that our beings are never ever lost. 

I'll love you till time no longer exist

as the stars in the heavens will send down my kiss.

You must know our love is forever true

it crosses the mountains and soars the blue. 

When you wake early in the morn

remember I am there with you 

in a magical embrace called

sweet forevermore. 


I wanted to run away

to find that special place,

to rid my heart and soul 

of that hold you placed.

It occurred to me

that it isn't just a dream,

our energy is here and

that is what we share. 

I feel you day and night,

you set the path for life.

giving this world of mine

a reason for all time. 

Somehow it is all meant to be,

I don't question wants and needs.

as the tears reveal the tale

and the separation a hell.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Another Day

 I blocked the doors to childhood

couldn't remember even if I tried, 

protecting the soul within, as

tomorrow marches with time. 

I selected the days of joy 

to get me through the day 

it brought only days of sunshine

erasing all the skies of gray.

There is no ache in this heart

maybe it can no longer feel, 

I've distanced from the memories

replacing them with the power of will. 


Redirect the journey

 led me right to you, 

I couldn't tell you why

but I woke up in a dream.

Your caring and loving way

might be all that I need, 

as I feel a certain contentment

when you are here with me. 

I thought I would never feel

the love you and I share, 

but each day brings a treasure

from the one who cares. 


Everyday a different thought,

whether we are capable or not.  

I look at life from different views,

clouds of gray and summer blue.

Confused with right and wrong

the heart pines and the soul longs.

Trying to fill that hole in side, 

with the foolishness of rhyme. 

Outside my window the song bird sings,

as if he knows the deepest part of me.

All my wants and my needs,

 troubled with years of memories. 

Decisions had all been made 

on both sides of this game,

and heartbreak remains 

to weigh down another day.

Monday, July 08, 2024


 Each day brings with it a different perspective on life. I am stronger when I put everything in context and

challenge the emotions that battle to control. Running faster and faster and yet my feet have not yet left

 the ground. 

The sky is so blue

the sun rays shining thru,

a summer day to celebrate

a morning dream come true.

Music fills the air 

a song of love to share, 

maybe this will start anew

the sweet love of two.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

You Cared

 Pages in a book,

chapters of a life, 

add up to the stories

of the wrongs and

 the rights.

Sorrow and happiness

but never regrets, 

as we take the best of it

and say goodbye to the rest.

I keep with me the love

the joy that we shared

as those were the days 

when I knew that you cared.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024



In the heat of the summer

I just can't understand, 

why all of my thoughts

you seem to command. 

Try to keep busy 

to not let my mind drift

but some how it happens

because it is you I miss. 

Some people a page

or a chapter or two, 

but you are my forever

a whole book thru and thru. 

It alters my being 

gives life a new meaning,

changed my world 

from the start. 

Tuesday, July 02, 2024


 I watch as my own adult children make mistakes and how I wish I could change their path. It doesn't work that way we each have to travel our own path, make our own mistakes and of course pay the consequence. Unfortunately the error in judgement can last a lifetime. 

Looking back at the choices made, 

I now realize the lessons life gave.

Like a good and bad path of pebbles 

I stumbled like a troubled rebel. 

There is nothing to regret

I am who I am from the test,

maybe it could have been different

but all in all I guess I have been blessed.