Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Another Day

 I blocked the doors to childhood

couldn't remember even if I tried, 

protecting the soul within, as

tomorrow marches with time. 

I selected the days of joy 

to get me through the day 

it brought only days of sunshine

erasing all the skies of gray.

There is no ache in this heart

maybe it can no longer feel, 

I've distanced from the memories

replacing them with the power of will. 


Redirect the journey

 led me right to you, 

I couldn't tell you why

but I woke up in a dream.

Your caring and loving way

might be all that I need, 

as I feel a certain contentment

when you are here with me. 

I thought I would never feel

the love you and I share, 

but each day brings a treasure

from the one who cares. 


Everyday a different thought,

whether we are capable or not.  

I look at life from different views,

clouds of gray and summer blue.

Confused with right and wrong

the heart pines and the soul longs.

Trying to fill that hole in side, 

with the foolishness of rhyme. 

Outside my window the song bird sings,

as if he knows the deepest part of me.

All my wants and my needs,

 troubled with years of memories. 

Decisions had all been made 

on both sides of this game,

and heartbreak remains 

to weigh down another day.

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