Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Sweet Forevermore


I'm not sure why you said "Hello" 

but I am so glad you didn't go. 

You took my hand , touched my heart

from the very start, I'm glad you didn't go. 

There is an energy between us two, 

it joined my heart and soul to you. 

From that first " Hello" it just seem

to grow and grow, I'm glad you didn't go.

My day and night are thoughts of you,

as if we ruled the heavens blue. 

Over mountains and across the sea

you became my everything, I'm glad you

didn't go. 


The moon took its place in the sky

and yet the darkness draped the night.

I closed my eyes and pulled you close to me,

placing your hand in mine for all eternity.

Nothing can separate your heart from mine , 

our souls were joined as one for all of time.

I know whenever our flesh is far apart

our souls unite from afar. 

When I am thinking of your embrace,

with my eyes closed I kiss your face. 

I reach across the mountains with thought

knowing that our beings are never ever lost. 

I'll love you till time no longer exist

as the stars in the heavens will send down my kiss.

You must know our love is forever true

it crosses the mountains and soars the blue. 

When you wake early in the morn

remember I am there with you 

in a magical embrace called

sweet forevermore. 


I wanted to run away

to find that special place,

to rid my heart and soul 

of that hold you placed.

It occurred to me

that it isn't just a dream,

our energy is here and

that is what we share. 

I feel you day and night,

you set the path for life.

giving this world of mine

a reason for all time. 

Somehow it is all meant to be,

I don't question wants and needs.

as the tears reveal the tale

and the separation a hell.

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