Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Friday, July 12, 2024

In my dreams

 If I whisper do you hear the words

"I love you so" ?

Does the wind know which way 

to blow?

Take to you my love, like a cloud

passing by from above.

Do the clouds take to you 

my love?

The dreams are surreal as they can be

I meet you there nightly.

Do you know the dreams are a pathway

that unite us in its own way?


Forever friendship from the heart

is an eternal flame that you sparked.


I'm gonna write the words of love

when I'm gone they'll live on. 

The world will soon know

that our love continues to grow. 

I'm gonna sing so that you can hear my song,

with words that will never lead us on. 

For you are mine and I am yours, 

in a song of forevermore. 


If I think hard enough 

will you hear? 

The words of love 

that two souls share. 

If I reach in the darkness

to take your hand, 

will you be there 


It's that time of night....

My head on the pillow

the dreams begin, 

I see you there and my 

heart starts to spin. 

I could stay forever

if only to please, 

this troubled heart 

on bended knees. 

Screaming in silence

drives be a bit insane, 

as my heart aches 

for just one more day. 

I say to myself

" stop being a fool" 

" why do you let him 

have this hold?"

I can't help it 

your there every night

when I close my eyes

it begins a new life. 

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