Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

You Are My Love

It is uncanny how a thought, place or thing or absolutely nothing at all can take you back to a moment. How vivid are the memories that spark emotion as if a moment in time is put on replay. It was the appearance of the seventeen year cicada that reminded me what it was like to live without outside contact and the magic felt when I finally got a drivers license. There were so many first, the first time I drove into town and driving through a glazed sight of teary eyes. The first poem I penned and the first one I sold. It is incredible the passing of the years and the flood of emotions that have taken center stage more than once. The irony is as I look back I see situations, experiences and I understand it differently. I chalk it up to growth, am I really different? My sister once said " I am not any different than I ever was, I am just now free to be me."  On the contrary experience does change you. Maybe it is like being forced into a certain maturity. There is no doubt experience teaches you many a lesson. I feel a wide range of emotions. Part of me realizes the sponge that I am and how much I absorbed and another part would like to have avoided many a lesson.  Ignorance doesn't mean stupid, but absent of knowledge.
I always told my children there is no way we can change the world all we are capable of is our own actions and learning and experiencing and yes if necessary changing the way we think. It is okay to change as you age because that means the changing of opinion is related to experience and experience to growth. I still find myself in a few tear filled moments and in happy loved filled ones. I stop questioning the why of the journey. Obviously souls are placed in different places all over the world and it can be quite the challenge for them to reunite.
While tossing a few seeds into the garden, my mind took many a detour. I thought about how my world should have been and how it was for so many years. I found myself standing and shouting out in an abundance of silent screams. Like leaning on a willow tree to find the branches snap. When my daughter took me for a ride in her new car, there was a pride that she had done something that took me a lifetime to do. I am so proud of her, for I know the challenges that one has to overcome. Inside I feel like crystal that is shattering and pieces of me are everywhere.
Would my children know the sacrifice that I had given so there world would be stable? I retreated into another one of the gardens. That is what I had always done in the past. But this time the flowers and trees were also haunting me. It was as if everything was natures way of documenting a life. But it always leads me to you, for you are my happiness that brings the colors of the world around me to life. The sun is warm in an array of color and the sky free of clouds is quite the blue and when I gaze upon the heavens I know that we are ever so close. You are here in my heart and that brings a smile to my face. There is a sense of peace in knowing that you love and are loved. This gift is indeed priceless for the memories are the reminders that our love is truly an everlasting expression of the heart and soul. You had my heart from the beginning and well our souls joined as one.
Life would have been easier if there was a blue print or a guide of right and wrong and no blurry in decisions. It was something I heard today that surprised " why didn't I cut my losses?" In all reality I am just one piece in a puzzle and I had to look at the puzzle in its completeness. That is where I see you, as I can't imagine my life without you in it. There is a contentment knowing I can lean on you, share with you and yes love you and know that you can do the same back. Life isn't all peaches and cream but it doesn't have to be. When all is said and done it really is like the old adage" we are the company we keep." Therefore you indeed are the blue of the sky and every breath I take. Reaching out and takes your hand and pulls you close, kisses you and thanks the Lord for such a love.

In my heart,
there's a love
forever you
are the one.

Smiles I can't
hide, laughter
that can't be

In my heart,
there's a love,
forever you
are the one.

Brings joy
to my day,
where happiness
will stay.

In my heart,
there's a love,
forever you
are the one.

Close my eyes
feel your lips,
tender your
sweet kiss.

In my heart,
there's a love
forever you
are the one.

In my day,
a thought away,
only you and
you alone.

In my heart,
there's a love
forever you
are the one.

Changed my life
set a new a
journey where
I am side by side
with you.

In my heart,
there's a love
forever you
are the one.

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