Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, May 07, 2019


The hollow in it's finest,
dressed in shades of green
and the sky a bit more bluer
as I drift off into dreams.

Capturing each moment
to my heart I file away
holding your love within
in a very special way.

Conjured up with passion
yet an innocence relays
the meaning of true love
that in my heart stays.

Silhouette of angels
embraced in heavens high
wiped away the tears
so only smiles reside.

The season of life
creates everything anew,
like flowers on the mountains
the love between us blooms.


The stream unusually warm
is quite inviting to the feet,
spinning around in circles
to the sound of your heart beat.

The embrace felt like magic
as I encountered with the soul
your arms lovingly around me
in a unique kind of hold.

No place here for darkness
only sunshine to be found,
as I watch the fruit blossoms
wind spun falling to the ground.

I treasure each moment
that brings your spirit near,
grateful for every day
we have had to share.

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