Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Thursday, August 04, 2022

The Sea Gives Away

 When the sea gives way 

to the rise of the sun and

the skies of blue celebrate

the finest days of love.

The heart feels anew

with the love I have for you,

my heart races with the wind

as I take on the blue.

Till the moon takes 

its place high in the sky, 

I'll prepare for your arms

in this world of delight.

The stars are magical indeed

joining you here with me, 

they sparkle in the heavens

as we close our eyes to dream.

There is a comfort in knowing

our love was truly meant to be,

the feeling pleasantly eternal 

what comes from memories.

 When the sea gives way 

to the rise of the sun and

the skies of blue celebrate

the finest days of love.

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