Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


 The world in battle between nature and man,

destroys the day in a devilish kind of plan. 

The goodness and kindness need to take a hand

in battling the evil set out by man. 

Wars for nothing but hatred and greed 

as innocent people are killed for nothing. 

I can't imagine how path that many take 

but I pray that show how goodness finds

its way.


I know that you're in the war zone, 

the battle for life is near, 

I take to praying for peace 

hoping one day the children can

live without fear. 

The world is quite small,

smaller with each passing day.

Everything that affects you

affects us all in different ways.

We are not very much different,

our hopes and dreams the same.

Living in peace and love 

is the wish for the very same day.

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