Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Love of Two

The winter birds all perched in song
there tweets of morning delight
as the trees in grey now stand
to document another day of life.

My heart hold secrets of days gone by
as if no one would or could understand
that our love is very unique indeed
magical and whimsical without a plan.

Poets of old have tried to write
the love their heart has once felt,
but not one could ever describe
that which causes the heart to melt.

So I find I'm left to express
from both my heart and soul,
words of love upon the heavens
for the angels to safely hold.

I sit alone here breathless
my heart quivers in disbelief
that anyone could ever experience
such love no matter how brief.

Whispers one with nature
plead for all to hear,
the song of the winter birds
bringing music to the ear.

The love of two now shared
it conquered the distance,
no river nor mountains between us
as we challenged our earthly existence.

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