Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Documenting A Season


Sunflowers heavy 

bow to kiss the ground, 

documenting a season 

as the sun is going down. 

If the hollow could talk

what a story it would tell, 

as I spun around in the rain

my emotions were profound.

The sounds all came together

like a well thought out symphony,

playing powerfully to the heart 

and into the depth of my being. 

The feelings all scattered

as if they skipped all around, 

from the yesterdays that passed

to the gifts that are all abound. 

I looked up to the heavens 

where paradise got its start

and there was cast the images 

that bring you from afar.

I can see the difference

and the beauty life brings, 

just by having you here 

my heart can now see. 

The day has now ended

and I hope you think of me, 

as I prepare to close my eyes

and meet you in my dreams. 

Sunflowers heavy 

bow to kiss the ground, 

documenting a season 

as the sun is going down. 

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