Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Embracing each moment 

for the gifts they bring, 

as I close my eyes 

and allow my heart to see. 

Joined heart and soul 

no separation can there be,

when I found my sweetheart

and my sweetheart found me. 

I could never let you go

as you are now a part of me, 

there is no way I could make a day

without you beside me. 

It is not my imagination

that revealed this love to me,

we are connected spiritually

as we united perfectly.

My needs and wants exhausted

on this journey we call life,

for all I need is your loving 

to make this world feel right. 

Knowing you love me 

as much as I love you ,

brings a sense of peace

making one soul out of two. 

This is what complete

feels like to you and I, 

when love and laughter

is written into rhyme. 

My mind travels the distance

and my heart is open wide,

so that you may enter 

both day and night. 

We're a story yet to be written

 and a poem that is still not read,

we're the mystery of the world

my lover and my friend. 

The emotions are real and

the feelings as true as they can be, 

when I say "I love you "

to that there is no end. 

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