Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Friday, July 15, 2005

Be Happy!

The temperatures way over the ninety mark and the humidity compared to only that of a sauna. The tree’s of the hills calling out with a invitation to once again travel through nature’s doorway. The Further away from the signs of human destruction the closer to the heavens I became. A path filled with the bouquet of wildflowers scented the air with a seduction that encouraged my soul to respond to my surroundings. Alerted by the sounds of the screech of the hawk as she warn her young of human encroachment upon her territory. The deeper into the wild I traveled the more acceptance I found. The waterfalls rushing over the rock sent a coolness that complimented the heat of the day. Reaching down to the pool of water I cupped the coolness and allowed it to roll over my body .
Wild berries just ripening had a bitter sweet taste. Turning to pick the ripest of berries I found a feather that belonged to the blue heron. Bending down to pick up the feather a child like emotion passed over me. Alone amongst the wilderness a smile passed across my face. I found the simplest of joy in coming in contact with the beauty of life that lie untouched by civilization, as I continued on natures trail ,I found conclusion that as people we were responsible for complicating that which nature perfected. All the answers lie within our surroundings. Our need to have more materialism in our lives have had the opposite approach to happiness. The duckling diving under the waters , the bull frog sunning on the rock.
Who can canvas more beauty then nature already has?

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