Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, July 11, 2005

Once again peering through my "Rose Colored Glasses"

Is violence instinctive and passed down through genetic inheritance or a learned behavior from as early as childhood ? Researching the possibility that the blue print for war is instilled within our genetic make up and that some cultures are more predisposed to violence over another I wondered if the theory of educating the general populace would eminently change the face of the future and how we deal with attacks upon humanity.
Intuitively my mind considers that society on a whole is based on good and evil and some personal code of morale conduct and that biological make up is a societal excuse for failure to accept personal responsibility.
If you look at the structure of our political systems and how it benefits the upper crust of society and how we make the less advantage dependent upon the system we see failure and weakness within the ground steps of human rights.
In all instances of war we must consider the economic benefits compared with the investment in peace. What price is put on the future of humanity. Peering once again through “my rose colored glasses” in a perfect world we would have no greed , no sickness and no hatred. Unfortunately the greedy thrive , the sickness is not always seen and hatred runs ramped through the mines of many.
So where do we start in understanding and changing the future? It starts now , not only with ones ability to seek change but the ability we have to make change within ourselves first.
Genetic mapping is our future can we use it for good in giving birth to a more intellectual and peaceful people . A futuristic thought at that or as long as hatred finds a home we shall continue to have violence and war .

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