Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Spring Snow

Time documents all seasons,
but the proof of our love lay
deep within my heart.

There is something incredibly wonderful
about a love without barriers as nothing can obstruct
or prevent passage of our souls bridged from one heart to another.

Closing my eyes and I am that much closer...

To know love is to experience the magic of each season. Exposing the heart to reveal the souls intention. Waiting on spring as we race to bask in the summer sun, dancing through fall and exploring the first snowflake of winter as a celebration of love.

Respect is never outdated.

Tears of joy cleanse the soul,
like the first rain in spring.

The ability to sense your love
and to always keep it very near,
I tucked it away within my heart
as an eternal gift to share.

Rainbows across the heavens,
a summer sun brightly shining down
and a river passing through the hills
from country to town.

Tis the end of February
though it feels like spring,
snow squalls without warning
replaced with a burst of sunbeams.

Awakening from winter,
the days are longer with light
and a breath of energy that
gives the soul renewed sight.

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