Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, August 10, 2020

Joyeux anniversaire!

 Everyday is a holiday

when you are here with me, 

I celebrate each moment 

like the gift out of my dreams. 

I believe we were destined

from the moment we were born, 

to find this special love in 

a quest for evermore. 

Our souls existence

bonded out of need 

as we welcome our story

and the path where it leads.

No birthday cakes and gifts

what could I give to please, 

an expression of my thanks

for what you mean to me.

Joy and happiness

all day and night, 

as I close my eyes

and embrace the love 

of my life.

You are truly wonderful

from the moment you were born,

and as Plato quotes the tale 

I know our souls were torn. 

As the years have passed

my heart is all I have to give,

and so I go about documenting

each day you and I have to live.

Like a script written in the heavens

to be there when we leave this earth,

the words of an incredible love 

will to the angels have a worth.

Precious moments 

I can't explain just how, 

but that they closed the gaps

 in those long and distant miles.

Like a kiss in the wind

I send to you my love, 

feel it touch your cheek 

as it joins our souls as one. 

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