Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Friday, August 07, 2020

Two as One

 The northern stars and the moon bright

guide me to you each and every night.

whether you're here or very far away 

I feel your love throughout the day. 

I awaken early in the morning  with

wonderfully warm thoughts of you

and a smile upon my face as I send

a loving kiss or two.

I know it's not magic or 

a wizards trickery of sort

the feelings that cover over me 

and have me wanting more. 

It must have been fate 

as it was out of my control, 

that your soul would fine mine

and destiny would unfold. 

I take each day to try and explain

in words what my dreams convey,

the emotions are undeniably love

that surfaces from two as one. 


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