Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Runs Into Your Arms!

The day started off early as being quite sunny and hot and with my intentions redirected, I found myself laying a little longer in nothing but my silk slip in front of the fan. As morning made way for the heat of the afternoon I knew that I had to go about checking on the chickens and making my way down to the greenhouse. The green house was like a sauna and the air heavy. I looked around at some of the plants which begged to find their place within the garden. Little by little I turned the soil, pulled a few weeds and planted the florescent like Dahlia's around my ornamental plum tree. The cherry fly landed on my arm and I quickly reached to shoo it away, but not before it cut my skin. I usually have a reaction to the sting and it quickly swells. The heat the irritation and the humidity made the mountain streams all that more appealing.
I walked down by stream and the hills seem to have taken on a different view. It was nature painting a new landscape as the spring floods redesigned the waterways and the sun making its way through the trees cast shadows upon the water like a Picasso. The leaves  of the black locust tree swayed gentle like a fan creating a dancing affect that brought a dreamy like calm to the moment. I glanced quickly at the crystal clear water so in hopes not to find any water snakes or snapping turtles, with the water seemingly clear, I stepped slowly into the water. The water felt refreshing and as I moved into deeper water I slipped and the water splashed up onto my clothing. The coolness was inviting and as one strap fell from my shoulder, I gently removed the other strap and allowed  the slip to slide down my body and float upon the water. I splashed the water on my face and bathed in the water as I felt the temperature of by body cool. Here I was standing  under the trees in the mountain stream and acknowledging that summer is indeed upon us.
The late spring floods had brought with them all kinds of surprises and as the water table dropped you could see what remained in the small pools of water. You could see some some sun fish and small bass duck for cover in the roots of the Pond Iris and a school of minnow race about as they tried to keep their distance. It was as if a switch was turned on and we went from spring to summer. I want to absorb as much as possible as the season passes so quickly. I reached for my slip which was now completely wet and rubbed the wet silk  and lace over the rest of by body. Shaking the bulk of the water from the fabric, I placed the slip again over by body and returned to the greenhouse. I put away the gardening shovel and seeds and made my way towards the house. There was no fighting the moment, I was neither in the past, nor could I see what lay ahead, in all reality I stood one with the moment.
Once back in the house I thought about the journey and where it was I stood in it and how much further had I to go. Was I on the right path? The answer was still  to be seen. To follow the heart or the soul would take me in different directions and yet I wondered what it was that stopped me from following through. Could it be I feared my own quest or was it the barriers that blinded my view? My heart asked " was it you want ?" Quickly I felt the answer surface from within " peace with love in a aurora of comfort" My soul asked " how shall  you attain this peace, love and aurora of comfort?" This seemed to be a little more complicated but from inside the answer was brief, "listen to your inner being and allow it to guide you through" The path in the clearing the one that I shall walk through will be awfully lonely, unless I walk with you. Hold my hand ...my heart is yours.

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