Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Some days it feels like I'm at the end of a story,
only to find life begins writing another chapter.

Every chance I get to gaze at the stars on a clear night,
it becomes obvious how minute we are in the scheme of things. 


Never ask "how much worse can it get ?"

My favorite camp song" staying on the sunny side of life"
...because the glass is half full. 

I overslept ...just to dream a little longer.

We need a little rain ...like all of life balance is the key.

If I could replay a moment, I'd choose the ones 
that brought me the most amount of joy, gave me hope,
taught me love as it touched my heart...
I'd spend them all over with you.

There is no net in life, 
you fall....you fall hard. 


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