Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sundays Clouds!

Many years ago I had a conversation with a friend and he said “ignorance is bliss” and I thought about those in various sectors of life who are unaware of the world around them. Did they not thirst for more knowledge or were they simply content living in their own little world. Bringing to mind the old adage “what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you”There were times in my life where acceptance was not a matter of ignorance but more of a comfort zone that was used as a prevention tool. Make it work within your own space to establish some safety and some measure of stability. Is it a form of denial to allow unacceptable behavior? Closing my eyes once to many, my heart felt the pains more then once.
I reviewed the lives of friends and people I have come in contact with over the years. Each with their own set of struggles. Where does right and wrong fit in with the personal destruction people cause to their own relationships? Frightened as I watched my world as I knew it collapse around me. Restlessness and disappointments battling the comfort zone. The promise of a picturesque future lay a entrapment of struggle that was more then the soul could bare. Feeling pressure, as if the room around me were closing in. I was once again faced with decisions. Asking the Lord to guide me .. I found the path ahead troublesome what I want , what I believe and reality swirl like a tornado of emotion that only clouded my hopes, my dreams and my desires.
Each step minimal as they seem to those around me are huge leaps that open doorways to independence. Am I fulfilling dreams or in a state of survival. Trying to analyze the boat that is filling with water, I saw that each person is on the same boat of survival. It is up to us to either pan out the water , fix the hole or jump ship. The smart thing would have been to not neglect the boat before it was placed in the water...

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