Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Caress of Kindred Souls

Summer seduction, met with northern breeze,
inclosed with passion, sent your love to me.
Spider kisses... a dozen tell, of the magic of life ,
cast from the spell.
The traveling brook, of stone and pebble play,
a peace and calm, to see us through the day.
Monarda red, striking color breathes, a note of
of love, from you to me.
It is I
Not in my darkest night, or days of sun lit glory,
would I have imagined, a new chapter to the story.
It is I who thank the Lord, who set up this collision.
My heart your heart, for which there is no division.
The music that I heard, not a musician play,
a melody of love, for which there is no debate.

Meet me, my darling, in the mist of twilight,
where the sparkle of stars, illuminate the night.

Meet me, my darling and cradle our dreams,
as your in my heart and my memories.
Meet me, my darling and kiss tenderly,
the earth you walked ,when you fell to me.
Meet me, my darling, embrace with your
warmth, seduce my soul , I'm falling in love
Vengalo a contatto di, il mio tesoro, nella foschia di penombra,
dove la scintilla delle stelle, illumini la notte.
Venga a contatto me, del mio tesoro e culli i nostri sogni,
come il vostro dentro mio cuore e mie memorie.
Venga a contatto tenero me, del mio tesoro e del bacio,
la terra che avete camminato, quando siete caduto a me.
Vengalo a contatto di, il mio tesoro, abbracci con il vostro calore,

seduca la mia anima, io stanno cadendo nell'amore.

Thy burden of distance only betrays thy body,
thy heart soars great distance to bring your
lips in line with mine.The caress of souls, leap
beyond the barriers of yesterday.

Pages tainted through the years, discoloring of the book.
A glance through the past , appearance, a antique look.
Tattered and torn and still the past unfolds, stories of
a lifetime, tomorrow and yesterdays of old.
Precious memories scripted to carry on, travel
on the back of the weary traveler.
A passage winding through the early years,
accumulates to weigh, heavily upon the
new frontier.


The pleasure of your company, the comfort of your arms,
the kiss of tenderness, the souls distraught, mourn.
Distance meets with sorrow, path of loneness unwinds
and our responsibility, to choice confronts the meeting
of the minds.
Off limits is the touch of flesh the body lay.
Heart and soul crossed the border, we have
discovered the way.
Feet locked from the forbidden
land,hearts soar, where souls now

take command.
Caress of Kindred Souls

Taunting the moment, when the blooms of life are full.
Sheer pleasure uniting, the caress of kindred souls.
No whispers in the night, a shout from within.
The legacy of lovers, is where the tale begins.
Leaping boundaries, set by time.
We explored the magic of the
consciousness of rhyme.
Every breath shared , suspense,

and dreams, mystical love ,
brings me to my knees.
Surrender, the maiden, to the king laugh,
breaks the field of distance, rerouting on

our behalf.
Detour through the heavens, your hand
in mine , hearts as close, as moonlight in
the sky.

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