Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Friday, January 04, 2008

I ask the Lord that I be loved the way I love... and the Lord sent me you!

Difficult when people look at life as if something must come to an end, I see it as a continuing saga. The truth is life is much like dominoes and we lean one upon the other to find our way. I myself had felt tears of sadness as I looked back in review at the years. Speaking with my long time friend this evening, she asked me if I had stayed in the city would my life be different? Every step, every path lead us in different directions but I believe it is like a hound chasing a rabbit you always come back to where you were meant to be, even if means running in circles.

I have come to terms with the reality of what is and yet I still felt an unsettling of a sort. I had wondered if at some point we were attracted to certain personalities because of our own weakness or strengths. I tried to remember what the young teenager saw in making a commitment at such a young age. I can honestly say there was a big desire to please. I had always felt the need to bring a smile to those around me and of course the big need to be wanted... ever so important. In many ways I felt as if we were growing and exploring together to find that there is truth to one partner out growing the other. Reaching beyond our abilities or settling for becomes and intermittent behavior that is some how lost as we try to find who we are, what are our desires and where in the bigger picture do we belong.
Comfort zone we all know it we all have been down that path, accepting what is whether it be an inappropriate action or not. This I am sure of the timing is for an all important reason. " I wish I had met you first" If we had met earlier in our lives, we would not be the people we are , would we have been better off or worse is to be seen. But this timing comes with a reasoning of its own. As we explore we get a better understanding of who we are, what are our needs and what is important in our life. I know that the day I met you it was meant to be, at that very moment, at that split second when you said hello and I answered. It is as if we spent our lives building up to this very moment.
I do not regret the past for I now know who I am , who you are and why we are here...... I love you with all my heart and all of my soul . From today forward I promise to give to you the same respect you have given to me and I vow my love for you for all eternity.

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