Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Introduction to the merging of souls

What distance builds, 
love tears down.

The dreams which captured the images of your 
being reminded me that love is our very existence. 

  My desire is to script upon the heavens,
my promise of eternal love.

Are we a victim of circumstance
or the prelude to fate?

 So precious is life and yet so vulnerable, 
like the wind which can change direction at any given moment. 


The masque of darkness blinds the eyes, 

but it is through the heart that we are given sight.

I feel compelled to write the words of love...

Limited time , unlimited love!
Take my hand, my heart is yours!

You cannot disregard the power of Mother nature

for she releases her fury when we least expect it.

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