Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Saturday, March 10, 2007

First Signs of Spring!

I shan’t fear the darkness, nor feel the pain of night,
your flesh distant, your love by my side.

Non temerò la nerezza, né ritengo il dolore della notte,
la vostra carne distante, il vostro amore dal mio lato.

I shan’t let the clouds of gray enter our life, I ordered
puffy white ones, to bed you and I.

Non lascerò le nubi di gray entrare nella nostra vita,
ho ordinato il bianco puffy per inserire voi e la I.

Pirouette of blossom petals blowing in the wind,
spring like greeting, a welcome to a end.

La piroetta dei petali che saltano nel vento,
la molla del fiore gradisce greeting,
un benvenuto ad un'estremità.


Matt said...

how beautiful!
where did u take the photo?
it seems like oriental view!
(i'm in Beijing,China)

Rachel C Miller said...

The picture was photographed in the hills of Pennsylvania, the view is my backyard "the hollow", Thank you! I really appreciate the comment. Nothing is more beautiful then the blossoms of Asian Art.